Call For Papers: RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review, Vol IV Issue II : Deadline: 20th April 2017

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Call For Papers: RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review, Vol IV Issue II : Deadline: 20th April 2017

RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review (ISSN: 2347-38XX) was set up as an academic initiative to promote research and debate in areas of financial and economic law.

The review looks to understand the legal paradigm prevalent in India and South East Asia and how it affects finance and other cross border mercantile activities. The journal aims at giving the opportunity to legal academia, research scholars, legal practitioners and students to publish work that is at the cutting edge of doctrinal, theoretical and empirical research.

The upcoming issue of RGNUL Financial and Mercantile Law Review, i.e. Volume IV Issue II, shall have an open theme with the focus on current developments that have taken place in the financial and mercantile arena.

More particularly, the entries should focus on one or more of the following areas:

  • Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
  • Corporate Laws
  • Taxation Laws
  • Banking Laws
  • Insurance Laws
  • Intellectual Property Laws
  • International Trade Law
  • Competition Law

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Word limit: Articles (5000-7000 words), Essays (Max. 5000 words), Case/Legislative Comments (2500-3500 words) and Book Review (Max. 2500 words).
  2. All submissions must be 1.5 line-spaced in Times New Roman, font size 12 and justified. Please do not add any borders, table of contents or page numbers.
  3. All submissions must be in conformity with The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (19th Ed.).
  4. Only footnotes may be used as the form of citations. All footnotes must be in Times New Roman, size 10, single-spacing and justified.
  5. Electronic submissions via email should be made in Word Format (.doc) or (.docx).
  6. Name of the author underneath the title of the submission in italics, 14 point, Times New Roman. Name and other details of the author should not appear anywhere else in the paper.
  7. The submission guidelines must be adhered to as far as possible. The submissions not conforming to the guidelines will not be sent for peer review.

Submission Date:

April 20, 2017

Submissions should be emailed to us at

RFMLR follows a double-blind peer review process, it is imperative that contributors stick to the deadlines.


For further information or clarifications:

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