Call For Blogs: By Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University; Rolling Submissions!

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What Is Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonepat (DBRANLU)?

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonepat (DBRANLU) was established by the State Government of Haryana in the year 2012 vide State Legislature Act No. 15 of 2012 in the education hub of India; Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Rai, Sonepat. DBRANLU holds the distinction of being the only National Law University in Haryana.

The DBRANLU Law Review Blog is the Flagship Blog site of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University. It is a culmination of efforts of the Research and Publications Committee in a bid to provide its readers with an insight into the dynamic and developing world of law and its surrounding multi-disciplinary fields.

It is a student-run peer-reviewed legal blog under the supervision of the faculty convenor & other stakeholders of the editorial board and administrative setup that aims to promote original work of quality backed by logic and reason, encouraging interdisciplinary research. It aims to provide a platform for the community of Scholars, Academicians, Students, and Researchers from across the legal field to contribute to the literature on issues about contemporary developments in the field of law and its surrounding social disciplines.

The theme of the Blog: “Contemporary Legal Development & challenges in various arenas of law”.

The Research and Publications committee would accept submissions in the form of articles, case comments, research pieces, and opinions that explore contemporary developments and topical themes in any area of law. Manuscripts should demonstrate a nexus to an area of law, non-adherence to which, would lead to summary rejection.

Manuscripts would be evaluated on several aspects, including but not limited to, originality, structure, coherence, clarity of expression, identification of judicial trends, and incorporation of cross-domain analysis. Purely descriptive pieces are not encouraged.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Eligibility: Students/Participants must be pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, i.e., a 3-year LL.B. Course or a 5-year LL.B. course from any recognized College or University or pursuing LL.M from any recognized University.
  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Word Limit: 1200-1500 words. Longer pieces may be accepted subject to the discretion of the Editorial Board.
  • The articles must be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx).
  • Formatting: Times New Roman; 12 pt.; 1.5 lines spacing.
  • All the relevant authorities must be duly acknowledged and hyperlinked in the text of the submission itself. If no online source is available, then endnotes (OSCOLA 4th ed.) may be used.
  • Co-authorship is allowed up to two authors, but not more.
  • The author(s)bear the sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions, or views put forth in the submitted manuscript.
  • The submission must be an original work of the author(s) and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A similarity index of more than 10% shall lead to immediate rejection.
  • The manuscript must not have any personal information about the author(s).
  • Copyright of all blog posts shall vest with “The DBRANLU Law Review – Blog’.
  • Confirmation of submission shall be communicated via e-mail within three to four business days. Acceptance or rejection of the same shall be communicated within two weeks of submitting the piece.
  • Submission Procedure: CLICK HERE 
  • All submissions for the DBRANLU LAW REVIEW BLOG must be made via the Google form linked at the end of this invite. Any submission made via other platforms would be rejected.
  • Submissions are being accepted on a rolling basis.

For More Information:

Contact Information:

  • In case of any queries, please contact
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