“Death Penalty Should Be Abolished” By SK Abir Ali

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“Death Penalty Should Be Abolished”

Author: SK Abir Ali, B.A LLB, Midnapore Law College

Life is a free gift to every living organism in this earth, and thus it impose exclusive right on those who are born in this world and none possess any absolute right to take back the life of other. HE(almighty) only has the right to give life and HE only has the sole right to take back the very free gift given by HIM. Every human being is born free with its own destiny. Human beings are regarded to be the excellent product produced by the Almighty, and as it is the limited edition thus it is molded with beauty and patience. But the very so called rational society has made the very existence of those excellent products limited. It is universal that death follows life, thus life and death are the two opposite sides of a same coin. Death is nothing but a biological extinct of any living organ, It is the state of unconsciousness. Death is quiet similar in every living organ but it is little different in the case of human being.                                                                                               

No individual is a born criminal, it is the society that makes them violent and abnormal to be a criminal. Criminals are not a normal persons rather they are an abnormal psychological patient which is an excellent drastic outcome of the selfish society. The concept of death penalty is one of the very ancient creation which evolved from centuries with the glorious touches of time. Since after the formation of the concept of death penalty almost 140 countries has abolished the complete system of death penalty. Allocation of death penalty has not been the ultimate solution, it just led those criminal die without a chance of getting rectify or correction. Life for a life does not make any sense of punishment, it only seems to be vengeance against vengeance.                                                                                                                                    India being the rising super power has also adopted the concept of death penalty from the ancient era. Just like other nations the concept of death penalty has also evolved from time to time in India. Laws have been framed subject to death penalty. It was the time when criminals were treated with punishments which led to the path of violence, as time has changed every aspect got enlightened. Standing in the modern era it would be wise to say that the complete platform of punishment has transformed into reformative character. It is deemed that an individual commits crime out of his abnormal mental condition, an individual can only kill other when he or she is in the thought of vengeance and according to medical science thought of vengeance is an act of abnormality, thus an individual is a psychological patient and he or she must be treated as a patient. An individual has its normal daily duty to be performed but when its turns to divert its path into something uncommon, seems to be abnormal. Depending on a biological fact, a prudent human being cannot kill another of its same kind, but it is possible when it is in an abnormal state of mind.

                                                            Peace is not the outcome of bullets rather it is the outcome of mutual co-existence with love and respect. Punishment is not the mode to treat those abnormal patients. Punishment is representation of act of violence and an individual who has already been hunted down for such act of violence cannot be treated with violence. It is the reformative concept that treats them as a patient of abnormality with love and care. Death penalty is not the cure to purify the soul of those criminals rather it seems to be creating more violence, it is life for a life. If the motto of pronouncing death penalty was to set an example, still it fails because even after years of exercise of death penalty the rate of crime relating to that is high.






This Article was prepared or accomplished by Sk Abir Ali in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the LawOF.in

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