National Seminar on Criminal Justice Administration @ ICFAI Law School, Tripura [March 25]: Submit by March 14

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 National Seminar on Criminal Justice Administration

@ ICFAI Law School, Tripura [March 25]:

Submit by March 14


ICFAI Law School, ICFAI University, Tripura takes immense pleasure to present the National Seminar on Criminal Justice Administration: Analysis & Appreciation.

This One Day National Seminar is being organized to create a platform of wide conversation, providing an opportunity to the Students, Academicians & Law Professionals to put forward their research and share their knowledge on a wide range of topics relating to Criminal Justice.


Central Theme: Criminal Justice Administration

Sub Themes

Sub-themes: The different avenues of Criminal Justice Administration that we will explore herein are –

  • Reformation of the Criminal Justice System
  • Conventional and Innovative Criminal Justice Approach
  • Criminal Justice and Constitutional guarantees
  • Commutation of Death Penalty and death row phenomenon
  • Criminal investigation: Challenges for law enforcement agencies
  • Prosecution and Defense in Criminal Justice system
  • Efficiency of courts and criminal justice process
  • Prison Reforms in India – Challenges

Submission & Participation

Abstract (of about 250 words) should be sent as an attachment in a word file. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed before they are accepted.

All the accepted abstracts will be invited to present their complete research paper in the seminar.

Submit your abstract to


All papers of the seminar will be published in the Edited Peer-Reviewed Book.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: 

March 14, 2020


ICFAI Law School, ICFAI University, Agartala-Simna Road, P.O. Kamalghat, Mohanpur, Agartala, Tripura 799210


For the brochure, click here.

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