Call for Papers: Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs [Vol 4, Issue 1, No Publication Fee]: Submit by Oct 25

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Call for Papers:

Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs

[Vol 4, Issue 1, No Publication Fee]

: Submit by Oct 25

About the Organizer

The Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs (IJLIA) is a student-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bi-annual journal seeking to publish original research articles, academic or empirical reports, book review and other forms of scholarly writing, specifically dealing with the field of International law.

About the Journal

Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs (IJLIA) is now accepting submission for its Volume 4 Issue 1, to be published in January 2020.


The IJLIA welcomes the participation of professors, experts, lawyers, research scholars and students. We require original, previously unpublished and work that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.


The Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs expects the authors to make their submissions on the broad theme of INTERNATIONAL LAW for Volume 4 Issue 1.


  1. Public International Law
  2. Private International Law
  3. International Human Rights Law
  4. International Humanitarian Law
  5. International Refugee Law
  6. International Criminal Law
  7. International Trade Law
  8. International Maritime Law
  9. International Arbitration Law
  10. International Economic Law

The aforementioned sub-themes are merely suggestions. Original works on any other aspect of International Law shall be highly appreciable.

Submission Categories

  • Articles (5000-10000 words, inclusive of footnotes): The papers in this category must comprehensively and critically analyze the theme that the author seeks to contribute.
  • They may be either doctrinal or theoretical (or both) specifically dealing with contemporary and academic issues in international law and related disciplines.

Essays (3000-5000, inclusive of footnotes): The paper should be concisely in terms of scope and conceptualization of the theme intended to highlight by the author. The essay seeks to solve existing paradigms and contemporary issues in international law and related disciplines.

Case Comment (1000-3000, inclusive of footnotes): The paper related to the case comments should comprehensively deal with the study of contemporary or landmark judicial pronouncement by International Court of Justice, International Criminal Law, Regional Human Rights Court, International Tribunal for Law of Sea etc.
Book Review: (1500-3000, inclusive of footnotes): A critical review may be undertaken in relation to the book published in the field of international law and related disciplines.

Guidelines for Submission

  1. The theme of the submission should be within the ambit of International Law and related subjects.
  2. The submission should be unpublished, original and should not be under consideration elsewhere.
  3. Submission should be made in the electronic form to under the subject heading “IJLIA Vol.4 Issue 1” submission ‘Paper Title’
  4.  All the submission must be in MS Word format (.doc) or (.docx) with the Times New Roman Font (Main text: size 12 and 1.5 spaced, footnotes: size 10 and single-spaced).
  5. Page borders should not be used.
  6. An abstract of not more than 300 words should be accompanied in the paper.
  7. Co-authorship (up to 3 authors) is permitted.
  8. All the manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter with the name(s) of the author(s), institution/organization, the title of the manuscript and contact information (email id & phone number)
  9. No personal information or references, including name(s) of the author(s), institution/organization and contact information be mentioned in the text of the manuscript and file name.
  10. All the manuscript must be in compliance with the Harvard blue book citation (20th Edition) of footnotes. The non-compliance to the citation of footnotes shall be subjected to rejection.
  11. Every submission of the manuscript shall be acknowledged within 48 hours and subject to the preliminary review process by the peer review group.
  12. In case of acceptance or rejection, the authors of submitted manuscripts shall be informed about the status of peer-review of the manuscript not later than 30th November 2019.
  13. In case the submission is accepted, the editorial board shall inform the author of editors feedback/comments and authors shall be afforded the reasonable time to submit the revised draft keeping in mind the editor’s comments.

Submission Deadline

The content is to be sent to latest by 25th October 2019.

The Indian Journal of Law & International Affairs aims to publish innovative and original papers that make a significant contribution to the wide spectrum of international law and also other related disciplines.

Contact Details


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