MATS Law School’s Guest Lecture on ‘Mediate Not to Litigate’ by Retd. Judge Ms Gyan Sudha Mishra [Aug 3; 3 PM]: Register Now!

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Res Publican Law Society (Regd.) is a society that works under the esteemed patronage of eminent persons including retired CJ, Supreme Court judges, journalists, academicians, senior advocates and advocates. The lectures of the RPLS are informative and enriching to legal knowledge.

About the Lecture

RPLS in collaboration with MATS Law School is organizing a guest lecture on “MEDIATE NOT TO LITIGATE” by Hon’ble Ms Gyan Sudha Mishra Judge (Retd.) Supreme Court of India

In this lecture, he will be covering first the basic framework of mediation laws. He will then go in-depth about the importance of mediation over litigation and also dispute resolution mechanisms within the treaties and touch upon certain concerns on dispute resolution.


Mediate not to litigate

General Details

  • Date: August 3, 2021 
  • Time: 3 PM Onwards
  • Platform: Zoom

Who can Attend?

Law students/Professionals/Anyone interested in learning about International Commercial Arbitration. 


Hon’ble Ms. Gyan Sudha Misra is a former Judge of the Supreme Court of India. Misra was elevated as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India on 30 April 2010. She has passed several landmarks and notable judgements in the Supreme Court of India including judgements on conflict of interest in the Srinivasan-BCCI matter, landmark euthanasia judgement – Aruna Shaunbaug matter and most recently the Delhi Uphaar fire tragedy dissenting judgment holding the management liable for colossal loss of human lives and directing them to pay heavy compensation to be used for social causes like building trauma centre.

Misra enrolled as an advocate in the Bihar State Bar Council in 1972 at a time when the legal profession for women in India was rather uncommon and the profession was primarily considered to be a male bastion. Prior to her appointment as a Judge, Misra was also actively associated with the activities of the lawyers and the legal profession and hence was elected as a Treasurer, Joint Secretary, and Member Executive Committee of the Supreme Court Bar Association, several times, which is the premier association of lawyers in the country.

Registration Procedure 

  • Click on the link given at the end of this post to register for the lecture.
  • A day prior to the lecture, the meeting link and instructions with regards to MS Teams will be shared on the registered email ID. 
  • Fee: NIL
  • The link to join the meeting will be shared on the registered email of the attendees. 


e-Certificates will be provided to all registered attendees.

Contact Information

Program Coordinators

  • Dr. Pyali Chatterjee: +91 7489371981
  • Amit Pradhan: +91 9575619101
  • e-Mail:

Click here to register for the webinar.

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