Call for Papers by Indian Journal of Arbitration Law [IJAL; Vol 10 Issue 2]: Submit by Sep 30

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The Indian Journal of Arbitration Law [“IJAL”] is a bi-annual, open-access journal published by the Centre for Advanced Research and Training in Arbitration Law [“CARTAL”]. It is indexed on Kluwer Arbitration, HeinOnline, Westlaw and SCC Online. IJAL is the leading journal on arbitration law in India, with a global readership. It is an excellent source of reference in the field of international arbitration.

About the Call for Papers

Each issue contains:

(1) articles, which analyse topics of permanent interest from major national jurisdictions as well as contemporary international issues,

(2) notes, which cover topical recent developments and on-going debates in the field, and

(3) book reviews.

IJAL invites contributions from experienced arbitrators, practitioners, academicians and law students on contemporary topics in international commercial and investment arbitration, as well as on jurisdiction-specific themes.

Themes and Sub-themes

The following is an indicative list highlighting the scope of the journal:

  • International Commercial Arbitration;
  • Investment Treaty Arbitration;
  • Industry-specific issues in Arbitration (for e.g., maritime, construction, oil and gas, etc.);
  • Jurisdiction-specific issues in Arbitration;
  • Inter-State Disputes subject to Arbitration;
  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism;
  • Institutional Arbitration;
  • Multilateral Arbitration Conventions;
  • UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
  • Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
  • Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of
  • The other States.

Submission Guidelines

IJAL seeks submissions under the following categories:

  • Articles – 6,000 or more words (inclusive of footnotes).
    There is no maximum word limit for articles. However, authors are encouraged to consult previous issues as a guide to the length of article the Journal usually publishes.
  • Notes – 4,000 to 6,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
  • Book Reviews – 1,000 to 2,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).


  • The manuscript may be co-authored by a maximum of three authors.
  • The manuscript must be topical and related to the scope of IJAL.
  • The manuscript must contain an abstract of not more than 200 words.
  • The authors must follow the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed.) for footnoting.
  • Please do not include a table of contents or numbered paragraphs.
  • The manuscript must not contain any mention of or reference to the author’s name, affiliation or credentials. Such information must be restricted to a separate cover page, which must contain a brief biographical description of the author, and also include the author’s name, affiliation, qualifications and contact details.
  • IJAL accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis.
    • The manuscripts received from Apr. 01 to Sept. 30 shall be considered for the January issue.
    • The manuscripts received from Oct. 01 to Mar. 31 shall be considered for the July issue.
  • The manuscript must be contained in a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) document.
  • The manuscript must be sent to the Executive Editor at
  • A declaration must be made at the time of submission that the manuscript is an original and unpublished work of the author(s), and that is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

How to Submit?

  • Manuscripts for Volume 10, Issue 2 of IJAL, which is scheduled to be published in January 2022, may be submitted via email to latest by September 30, 2021.
  • Manuscripts will undergo a three-stage blind review conducted by the Board of Editors of IJAL over the course of twelve (12) weeks after the submission deadline for Volume 10, Issue 2 has elapsed.
  • IJAL accepts manuscripts year-round, on a rolling basis, and any manuscript submitted after the aforesaid deadline will be considered for the subsequent issue i.e. Volume 11, Issue 1.

Authors are requested to provide a declaration stating that the manuscript is original, unpublished, and it is not submitted for consideration to any other law journal.

Submission Deadline

September 30th, 2021

Click here for the official information.

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