Call for Blogs for law students- Law and Other Things (LAOT) Blog: Submit Now!

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The blog offers everyone the opportunity to receive feedback on their writing from some of the most distinguished people in the field of public law. We welcome posts from law students, academicians, and practitioners alike.

Submission Rules

  • The topic must be within the scope of the blog, i.e., it must be related to an area of public law. For reference, please look at the posts on our website.
  • The post should preferably make an argument or assertion substantiated by reasoning and relevant facts.
  • Language need not be strictly academic, but it should be formal.
  • The piece should not exceed the word limit. Longer pieces may be split into multiple parts for better readability, if the topic calls for it, however the same is discouraged.
  • All references should be provided as hyperlinks instead of citations unless an online source is unavailable. We will be unable to review pieces that have no hyperlinked sources.
  • Please make your submissions through the contact form available here.
  • In case of articles on recent developments, which may lose relevance within days, authors may request an expedited review with the subject line being ‘Submission – Guest Post (Expedited)’.

Further Guidelines

 For further clarity one may reach out to  for further clarifications.

Student Editors-in-Chief:

  • Anushree Verma:  
  • Shravani Shendye: 
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