Webinar on Participation of Women in Judiciary & Litigation by RML National Law University [Oct 14, 5:00 PM]: Registrations open

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About the Organiser 

The Legal Aid Committee is a student body in the University that imparts legal aid and undertakes social awareness program under its aegis. The Committee inducts students to use their knowledge of law to provide free legal aid to those who are most in need of it through various media. The Legal Aid functions that the Committee performs are preventive, remedial, activist and reformative.

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University was established by the Government of Uttar Pradesh in 2005 for the purpose of driving forward the effort towards increasing legal discourse in the country. It is a public university located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.

About The Law Culture 

For the purpose of conducting the event, the Legal Aid Committee at RMLNLU is collaborating with ‘The Law Culture’. It is a portal founded and run by students from various law schools, which consists of passionate researchers and fellows who are deeply familiar with the various aspects of wide fields of law and public policy.

Details of the Webinar

Topic: Participation of women in judiciary

Date: 14th October 2020

Time: 5:00 pm

Certificates shall be provided to all registered participants.

About the Speakers 

The panel for this event will consist of dignitaries from the field who are well versed with the issues. The speakers at the event are:

Justice Gyan Sudha Mishra

Justice Mishra is a former judge at the Supreme Court of India. She has passed several landmark judgments including decisions on highly notable fields like the Srinivasan-BCCI matter, Euthanasia matter, and Aruna Shaunbaug matter to name a few.

Advocate Kanika Singh

Ms. Singh is a high experienced practitioner of law at the High Court of Delhi. Currently serving as the Member Executive at the Delhi High Court Bar Association, she did her undergraduate course from Lady Shri Ram College and went on to study law at Campus Law Center, both affiliated to the University of Delhi.


The webinar would cater to people from diverse backgrounds who would be interested in the topic.

The webinar would available for participation and streaming on Youtube Live. The link is here.


 Registration  link is here..

Contact Info

  • Harsh Gupta, Convenor, Legal Aid Committee, RMLNLU: +91 7985188323
  • Animesh Upadhyay, Co-founder, The Law Culture:  +91 8004919122
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