Three-Day International Seminar On “Environmental Justice: Representations In Culture, Literature And Philosophy” By School Of Humanities And Languages At Mizoram University [26-28 February 2024]: Submit Abstract By 15th February 2024

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What Is The School Of Humanities And Languages At Mizoram University?

The School of Humanities and Languages at Mizoram University is proposing an International Seminarwith the aim of engaging in academic discussions regarding the environmental challenges currently affecting humanity and the planet Earth on a large scale. We will focus on critical studies and issues that emphasize the value of ecological relationships, spanning multiple disciplines, including culture,literature, and philosophy. The concept note for this proposed seminar aims to examine the state of environmental justice and reevaluate the ecological awareness that humanities subjects have inspired in a world facing critical environmental issues.

They welcome high-quality unpublished research papers for presentation at the upcoming International Seminar, scheduled for February 26-28, 2024. This seminar is designed to take place primarily in an offline format, with the option of a virtual mode for a limited number of participants. Prospective presenters are invited to Mizoram University in Aizawl and are encouraged to specify their preferred mode of presentation.

What Are The Details Of The Event?

  • Theme Of The Conference:  “Environmental Justice: Representations in Culture, Literature and Philosophy”
  • Date of the event: 26-28 February 2024
  • Language: Presentation in Hindi / Mizo languages will be allowed.
  • Mode: Seminar will be organised in Blended Mode.
  • Eligibility: Students, Faculty & Professionals and Research Scholar and adhering to the latest style guidelines like MLA or APA, they are also requested to fill out the form as provided in the Proforma.
  • Registration Fee:
    • Students: Rs 500
    • Research Scholar: Rs 1000
    • Faculty & Professional: Rs 2000
  • Transport & Travel:
    • Aizawl enjoys good connectivity through domestic flights and nighttime super bus or Tata Sumo services from Guwahati, Assam, and Shillong, Meghalaya. Unfortunately, there are no train services available to Aizawl.
    • Participants are responsible for making their own accommodations in the city of Aizawl or at the MZU Campus.
    • Nonetheless, the Steering Committee is willing to make arrangements for their stay, at the participant’s expense, upon specific request, provided the request is made well in advance.
  • Deadline for Abstracts: 15th February 2024
  • Submission Guidelines: An Abstract may have 200/250 words. Submissions should be neatly written in Times New Roman font or provided as a Word file in size 12.

For More Information: 

Contact the following for paper submission:

  • Prof. MargaretL.Pachuau, Head, DepttofEnglish and CultureStudies
  • Dr. Ruth Lalremruati, Head, Mizo
  • Prof.Sushil K.Sharma, Head, Hindi Deptt
  • MS Dawngliana, Head in-charge,Philosophy
  • Prof.Sarangadhar Baral, Dean,Schoolof Humanities and Languages
  • Prof. Sarangadhr Baral Convener,International Seminar, (contact 8837419428) Dean, School of Humanities and Languages, MZU

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