S. K. Puri Memorial International Moot Court-Justified’19 [September 27-29] Law Centre II, University of Delhi [Deadline for Registration: 25 July, 2019]

S. K. Puri Memorial International Moot Court – Justified’19 [September 27-29]


Law Centre II, University of Delhi

[Deadline for Registration: 25th July, 2019]


Law Centre-IIFaculty of LawUniversity of Delhi is organizing this annual event “S.K. Puri Memorial International Moot Court – JUSTIFIED”.Law Centre-II has been organizing national moot court competition “JUSTIFIED” for the past three years.


Law Centre-II, Umang Bhawan, Chhatra Marg, North Campus, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007 India


All students enrolled in a recognized 3 year LL.B. programme or a recognized 5 year integrated LL.B. programme (or international equivalent), shall be eligible to participate in the Competition. Only one team can register from a particular College or Law School for participation in the competition.


Each team shall consist only of two speakers and one researcher. A team may consist only of two members as well (both speakers).


a.The “soft copy” of the duly filled registration form should be sent, on or before 25th July, 2019 via email to skpm.justified19@gmail.com 

Payment of Registration Fee & Submission of Registration Form : Teams that qualify for the oral rounds, after the declaration of memorial results, must submit a Demand Draft of INR 3000/- (in case of a National team), and USD 100/- (in case of an International team), drawn in the name of “Registrar, University of Delhi, Delhi”, payable at Delhi, India, on or before 5th September, 2019, at the address mentioned below, along with the hard copy of the Registration form.

Dr. V. K. Ahuja (In-Charge), Law Centre-II Room No. 103, First Floor, Umang Bhawan, Faculty of Law, Chhatra Marg, North Campus, University of Delhi, Delhi – 100007, India

The following documents shall be submitted by the teams at the time of registration:

(i). Duly filled Registration Form

(ii). Participant Details/Bona fide Students Certificate.

(iii). Demand Draft for registration fee (after qualifying for the oral rounds).

(iv). Travel Itinerary (after qualifying for the oral rounds).


Registration (Soft Copy Only) 25th July, 2019
Clarifications on the Moot Problem 31st July, 2019
Soft Copies of the Memorials 25th August, 2019
Memorial Round Result 30th August, 2019
Payment of Registration Fee via DD +Registration Form (Hard Copy)+Travel Itinerary+Hard Copies of the Memorials 5th September, 2019



Send any query/clarification related to the Competition at skpm.justified19@gmail.com

Or Contact Organizing Committee Members:

SUNIDHI           +91 9643538409

PRANITA GOSWAMI  +91 9643570830

RISHAY RAJ         +91 8678086422


Moot Proposition S K Puri Memorial-Justified’19

Rules_S K Puri Memorial-Justified’19 pdf

Schedule_S K Puri Memorial-Justified’19

New Brochure Justified’19

Law Centre II Website

S K Puri Memorial Justified’19 Website

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