Online Symposium by NLU Delhi & Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management [Sep 2, 3 PM]: Register by 30 August

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DPIIT IPR Chair, NLU Delhi and Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management is organising an Online Symposium.


WIPO-WTO-WHO Trilateral Study on Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation.

The symposium aims to discuss the recent trilateral report from integrated health, trade and IP perspective in the post-COVID-19 pandemic scenario. The symposium will be jointly organised by DPIIT IPR Chair at National Law University, Delhi and Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management, Nagpur.

Time and Date: It will start at 3:00 pm IST (11:30 am CEST) on September 2, 2020 and will be for a duration of 90 minutes (including floor discussion/Q&A).

Since this is a unique academic symposium, participants are expected to read the executive summary of the Report for an informed discussion.

About the Speakers

They have invited Jayashree Watal, Honorary Professor at NLU Delhi as the key speaker. Ms. Watal has previously worked with the WTO’s IP Division and was involved in preparing the report. She is a well-known expert on international IP issues, particularly in the context of IP and healthcare in developing countries.

They have also invited the following discussants from the industry and government, who will provide their own perspectives:

Ms. Chandni Raina (Economic adviser to Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance): Ms. Raina has hands-on experience in dealing with some of the most complex IP negotiations in India in multilateral, plurilateral and bilateral settings.

Mr. KM Gopa Kumar (Legal advisor to Third World Network): Mr. Gopa Kumar is trade and public health advocate who has intricate knowledge about access and development dimensions involving IP.

Mr. Sandeep Rathod (General counsel at USV Pvt Ltd): Mr. Rathod has rich IP experience of working with large pharmaceutical firms and has deep insights into the working of the IP system in India in the context of healthcare.


Everybody (faculties, students, practitioners, researchers etc.)



Registration Process

Please register by sending an email to

Registration Fees: No fee.

Deadline: Register by 5:30 pm, 30 August 2020.

Contact Info

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For the official notification, click here.

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