International Webinar on Multilateral Organizations by ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad [Feb 5, 7 PM]: Registrations Open

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About the Webinar

The recent policy shift of major world players during the past half-decade has been a pronounced veer towards an inward approach towards domestic priorities. This can be seen in Trump’s ‘America First’, United Kingdom’s “Brexit” and Modi’s “Atamnirbhar Push”. These can be characterized as representatives of a trend towards de-globalization.

The various multilateral organizations of the world like the United Nations and international financial institutions like the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund are premised upon increasing globalization, trade and cooperation amongst countries.

Hence, the stated aim of the multilateral organizations and the current trends are at odds with one another.

This is thus an opportune moment to discuss the relevance of these organizations in the present day with the help of the discussion laid down by Mr. Vikram Raghavan.

About the Speaker

The Speaker for the evening will be: Mr.Vikram Raghavan, Lead Counsel, World Bank, Washington D.C, USA.

Vikram Raghavan graduated from NLSIU, Bangalore with eight gold medals in diverse fields of law in the year 1997 and then went to pursue his masters from New York University. Right after that he started work as an attorney at O’Melveny & Myers, an international law firm in New York City.

Currently, Mr. Raghavan is serving as a Lead Counsel at the World Bank in Washington, DC, and he advises on conflict, fragility, refugees, and macroeconomics. Among other things, he provides legal advice about military coups; United Nations sanctions; debt relief; and loan conditionality.

He has authored a book titled Communications Law in India (LexisNexis, 2006) and co-edited a volume of essays: Comparative Constitutionalism in South Asia (Oxford University Press, 2013). His articles are reflected in The Hindu and Economics and Political Weekly.

Registration Link is here. 

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