International Conference On ‘Law And Emerging Issues’ (ICLEI 2023) Organised By School Of Law, AURO University [24th-25th August 2023]: Submit Abstract By 20th May 2023

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Who Is The Organiser?

AURO University, established in 2011, is inspired by the vision and teachings of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and The Mother. AURO UNIVERSITY is an environment of collaboration and creativity driven by self-discovery of “Inner Being” that ENCOURAGES, ENABLES and EMPOWERS students in their INTELLECTUAL, EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL GROWTH. AURO University is a centre for value-based education. Auro University has seven schools under its umbrella which are School of Law, School of Business, School Journalism and Mass communications, School of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, School of Design, School of Information Technology, School of Hospitality Management.

School of Law, established in the year 2012, offers a curriculum designed to impart contemporary legal  knowledge, acts, legal procedures, discussions of contemporary technology-enabled systems, processes and procedures in the course of teaching Indian laws as well as international laws. The focus is on developing a critical and usable understanding of the laws of India and international laws extending to related domain areas such as business, international trade and relations.

What Are The Details Of The Conference?

  • Theme: Law And Emerging Issues
  • Objective: To provide chances and a forum for young academics to discourse and improve their research ideas, as well as to foster research partnerships and professional networks and to bring together the Researchers/ Academicians/ Policy makers/ Research Scholars/ Foreign Delegates/ Indian & Foreign Students, undertaking research within the broad theme of contemporary issues in law to provide a supportive and collaborative environment for the exchange of ideas.
  • Date of the event: 24th-25th August 2023
  • Mode: Hybrid mode
  • Eligible Participants: Researchers/ Academicians/ Policy makers/ Research Scholars/ Foreign Delegates/ Indian & Foreign Students. Scholars registered in non-law disciplines but working on primarily legal issues from an interdisciplinary perspective are also invited to participate.
  • Last Date for Submission of Abstract: 20th May 2023
  • Registration form: CLICK HERE to fill the registration form
  • Registration fee: No TA/DA will be given. Accommodations will be provided only with the payment of requisite charges. Accommodation will be provided on a first come first serve basis to a limited number of participants with prior registration.
    • Industry persons/ policy makers: Rs. 2360/-  or $30
    • Academicians :Rs. 1770/- or $25
    • Research Scholar / Students: Rs.1180/- or $20
    • Attendees (without paper presentation): Rs. 590/- or $10
    • On spot registration – Rs 2714/-
  • For Early Bird Registration Fee:
    • Industry persons/ policy makers: Rs. 1888/- or $ 25
    • Academics :Rs. 1416/- or $20
    • Research Scholar / Students: Rs. 944/- or $ 15
    • Attendees (without paper presentation): Rs. 590/- or $ 10
  • Payment link for National Participants: CLICK HERE to do the payment
  • Payment details for International Participants: International participants have to pay the conference fees using the Bank Details given below:
Account NameAURO University
Bank’s NameState Bank Of India
Branch NameBhatha Branch, Surat – 394510, Gujarat, INDIA
Account No.31703674530
Branch Code02636
MICR Code395002007
 IFSC CodeSBIN0002636
Swift CodeSBININBB260
  • Topics of Interest: The following topics are only a few of the many topics that might be covered:
    • Constitutional Law
    • Criminal law
    • Competition Law
    • Company Law
    • Environmental Law
    • Labour Law
    • Family Law
    • Law and Technology
    • Intellectual Property Law
    • Business & Trade Law
    • International Law
    • Laws related to Women
    • Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Legal Startup and Entrepreneurship
    • Artificial Intelligence and Law.
  • Important Dates of the event:
1Announcement of ConferenceApril 3, 2023
2Last Date for Submission of AbstractMay 20, 2023
3Intimation of Acceptance of AbstractMay 29, 2023
4Early Bird RegistrationTill May 30, 2023
5Last Date for RegistrationJune 20, 2023
6Last Date for Submission of Full PaperJuly 20, 2023
7Conference PPT SubmissionAugust 10, 2023
8Conference DateAugust 24, 2023 & August 25, 2023

Note: a) Research papers/articles in English are invited from academicians, professionals, practitioners, researchers, students of law, social science and environmental science, and other stakeholders on the emerging issues and related areas on the broader topics given above. b) The selected papers based on quality shall be published in the form of a Conference Proceedings by Taylor & Francis and submitted to SCOPUS for Indexing. c) There will be additional publication charges for the selected articles which will be intimated in due course.

What Are The Abstract & Full Paper Submission Guidelines?


  1.  Each applicant must submit a maximum 250 words abstract no later than May 20,  2023.
  2. The abstract must contain a brief profile of the author/s indicating his/her email ID, contact number, designation, and official email address.
  3. Maximum of 5 keywords are to be provided along with the abstract.
  4. Co-authorship allowed upto two authors only.
  5. All abstract must be submitted by CLICK HERE. Submissions through mail will not be accepted.
  6. The decision of the screening committee regarding the selection of the abstract for the Conference shall be communicated latest by May 29, 2023.
  7. Upon selection of the abstract, the participants shall register by paying the prescribed registration fee. The registration form shall be filled and the registration fees shall be paid latest by June 20, 2023. The Registration Form and the Full Paper Submission Form shall be notified with the response mail indicating selection.


  1.  Last date for submission of Full Paper is July 20, 2023
  2. Selected abstracts will be notified for full paper submission. Details will be provided in the response mail indicating selection.
  3. The full length paper should not exceed 4000 – 6000 words including footnotes and references. It must have the abstract and details of the Authors.
  4. In case of co-authorship at least one author must attend the seminar to present the paper.
  5. The main text should be in Times New Roman with front size 12 and spacing of 1.5 and Margin – 1 inch on all sides, page size A4.
  6. Spelling: UK- except in quoted text, which will follow the original spelling.
  7. Pages should be numbered- at the bottom and at the centre.
  8.  Authors should refrain from using footnotes until necessary.
  9. All submissions must be the author’s unpublished and original work and should not exceed the similarity index of 10%.
  10. Referencing and Citation style is Chicago Style.
  11. Style for headings- Chapter Title: All in Caps, bold, centred.
  12. Style for Subheadings:
    1. Level 1: Heading style- capital, bold, left aligned, underlined.
    2. Level 2: Headline style- bold, italics, left aligned.
    3. Level 3: Headline style- italics, left aligned
  13. The paper must be submitted in word document (.doc or .docx) format only.
  14. Full paper should follow the format: Introduction, Review of literature, Research Methodology, Analysis/Discussion, Conclusion and References.
  15. Online paper presentations would be allowed only for participants having nationality other than India and for National participants subject to approval from the organising committee in special circumstances.

Note: Confirmation of registration for the event shall be subject to the payment of registration fee & submission of the registration form. Payment once made shall not be refunded. All transfers are non-refundable in nature. Paper presenters would be given Certificate of Presentation. Best presenter from each category shall be given a Certificate of Merit (Only for Offline presentation).

For More Information:

For more queries contact at or contact to Ammar A. Pahadwala – +97 7048281562, Aakriti Beri – +97 9076117782

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