Cfp for law students- NUALS Law Journal Blog -Submissions on a Rolling Basis.

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The National University of Advanced Legal Studies, formerly the National Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, is an Indian university that offers legal education at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels. Kerala is home to the state’s only National Law University.

The Journal’s Background

The National University of Advanced Legal Studies’ primary law journal is the NUALS Law Journal (ISSN 2319-8273). More information is accessible on the website.

The Blog’s Background

The NUALS Law Journal Blog will accept entries on a rolling basis from students, legal scholars, and practitioners, including (but not limited to) articles, research papers, opinions, case comments, and short remarks on any current legal topic.

Contribution requirements
Co-authorship is permitted for up to two authors. To aid the double-blind review process, avoid including the author(s)’ name, institutional affiliation, or any other personal information in the paper.

Originality: All works must be unpublished and original. Plagiarism of any kind will disqualify you from publishing on the blog.

  • The manuscript must not exceed 1500 words in length. This word limit does not include endnotes (if any). Longer posts may be accepted and published in portions at the discretion of the editors; please consult the Board of Editors on this.
  • Font and spacing: The title of the post should be formatted to Garamond font size 14, All Caps and in bold.
  • The main body of the text should be formatted to Garamond font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.


  • All references must be in the form of hyperlinks in the body of the submission.
  • Hyperlinks should be provided to all supporting materials and legal texts for the benefit of the readers. In case no hyperlink is available for any reference, the use of endnotes is recommended.
  • No speaking endnotes or footnotes are allowed. Submissions: Submissions must be in a Word format (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’). Ensure that the title of the document has been renamed to the title of the post.

Relevant Link

Submission link

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