Call for Papers: South Asian Journal of Law and Human Rights [Volume 3 Issue 2]: Pay Rs. 1400 for Publication; Submit by Oct 31

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Call for Papers:

South Asian Journal of Law and Human Rights [Volume 3 Issue 2]: Pay Rs. 1400 for Publication;

Submit by Oct 31


The South Asian Journal of Law and Human Rights (SAJLHR) is a Peer Reviewed International Journal (ISSN: 2518-6159) for research and insight in Human Rights Law.

SAJLHR lauds the support of an Editorial Board which includes distinguished policy analysts, academicians, research scholars and students from across the globe who have come together aiming to communicate high-quality original research work.

The ‘SAJLHR’ invites Articles, Short Notes, Book Reviews Case Commentaries and other such for its Volume 3, Issue II which will be published tentatively in December 2017.


Academicians, Practitioners, researchers, students, and others interested in the field may send original, unpublished papers to

The Inaugural Issue shall attempt to cover the recent developments related to issues concerning human rights and will try to capture the Informed Opinions on diverse issues of International Human Rights Law.


1. The title of the research paper should be appropriate.

2. The research paper shall be original and unpublished work.

3. The paper should not be plagiarized, and free from grammatical, spelling and other errors.

4. The Entry must be typewritten. Font: Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5 and justified alignment.

5. The Citations must be typewritten in the font Times New Roman, font size 10, line spacing 1.0 and justified alignment.

6. Co-authorship is allowed subject to a maximum of two. Full names and contact details of all the authors must be given.

7. The author(s) may follow 19th Harvard Bluebook Citation style.


The editorial board will consider any paper for publication which deals with any relevant human right issue.


We welcome submissions from students, academicians, researchers and legal practitioners, to come up with their contributions in the form of articles, case comments, legislative comments and book reviews.


If the work of the author has been shortlisted for publication, he/she/it will be required to make the make as follows:

  •  Single Authored Article – INR 1400
  •  Co-authored Article – INR 2100

The authors will receive 1 printed copy of the journal along with ‘certificate of appreciation’ duly signed by Editor-in- Chief. In case of the co-authored article, both the authors will receive printed copies of the journal.


1. The last date for paper submissions is 31st October 2017.

2. A confirmation email will be sent by 7th November 2017 to the authors whose work has been shortlisted for publication.

3. The printed copy of the journal along with the certificate will be dispatched to the authors by 15th December 2017.


A. Articles (3000-6500 words including footnotes)

B. Short Notes (2000-3000 words including footnotes)

C. Book Reviews (1000-2000 words including footnotes)

D. Case Commentaries (1000-3000 words including footnotes)


For any further queries, you can contact the Editorial Board at or call Assistant Managing Editor on +917859912123.

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