Call for papers: Law Mantra Journal (ISSN: 2394-7829) for Vol. 5, Issue 4 and 5; Submit before 20th Dec,2017

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Call for papers:

Law Mantra Journal (ISSN: 2394-7829) for Vol. 5, Issue 4 and 5;

Submit before 20th Dec,2017

About Us

Law Mantra Online Journal (ISSN: 2394-7829) is Monthly Double Blind
Peer Review Academic Journal, published online, that seeks to provide
an interactive forum for the publication of articles in the field of
Law and Governance. Journal is currently soliciting submissions for
Volume 5, Issue 4,5. The submission deadline for Volume 5, Issue 4,5
is 20th December, 2017. We welcome submissions from academicians,
practitioners, students, researchers and experts from within the legal
community. We have a strong preference for articles that assert and
defend a well-reasoned position.

Journal runs under guidance of the Chief patron of Prof. (Dr.)
M.P.Singh, Chancellor Central University, Haryana, Prof. (Dr.) Ranvir
Singh, Founder Vice-Chancellor N.L.U-Delhi,  Prof. (Dr.) Faizan
Mustaffa, V.C NALSAR Hyderabad,Prof.Vijender Kumar, V.C NLU Nagpur,
Prof. Naresh Kumar Vats, Professor, NLU-Nagpur Prof. Shamnad Basheer,
and other luminaries from the legal fraternity. It is aimed at
institutionalizing and channelling the analytical and incisive
articles of students towards value addition and developing inherent
potentials of legal fraternity.

Call for Papers:

Law Mantra Online Monthly Journal (ISSN: 2321-6417)
is a monthly double blind peer reviewed journal. We look forward for
submissions from members of the Bar, Bench and the academia.
Submissions can be in the form of long articles, short articles, case
comments, legislative notes and book reviews.



The last date for submission of papers is 20th December, 2017

Nature of Contributions:

Articles: An article must conduct a complete analysis of the area of
law, which the author seeks to highlight. It must contain a
comprehensive study of the existing law, indicating the lacunae
therein, and must contain an attempt to suggest possible changes which
can address the said lacunae. An article should be between 4,000-5,000
Essays: An essay is more adventurous as it challenges challenging
existing paradigms/norms and provides a fresh outlook to common
problems. It is strongly recommended that essays be considerably more
concise than articles, in terms of scope and conceptualization. An
essay is thus advised to be between 3,000-5,000 words.
Notes: A note is a relatively concise form of an argument advanced by
the author. The focus of a note should be on a relatively new debate
or controversy regarding the interpretation or implementation in the
law. Notes shall primarily highlight contemporary issues, which need
to be addressed, and the authors are expected to offer a solution. The
maximum word limit for a manuscript in the form of note is 2,500
Comments: A comment is where the author may decide to critique any
recent/landmark judicial pronouncement or any recent legislation or
bill before the Parliament or State Legislature. The word limit for a
comment is 2,500 words.
Submission Guidelines:

Word Limit: As has already been indicated, the maximum word limit for
articles and essays is 5,000 words (exclusive of footnotes) whereas
that for notes and comments is 2,500 words (exclusive of footnotes).
Citation Format: The citation format to be used is The Bluebook (19th
ed.). In keeping with the same, speaking footnotes are discouraged.
Biographical Information of Authors: A separate document with
biographical information of the authors must also be attached
including the following details: Name, E mail address, Postal Address,
Name and Address of Institution, Course (if applicable), Academic
Plagiarism Guidelines: As per the Law Mantra Online Journal Policy on
Academic Misconduct, “plagiarism” means failure to acknowledge ideas
or phrases from another source. Such source is not limited to
published text. Acknowledgement of others’ work is expected even if
the source was a discussion (whether oral or written) with another
person, or use of materials on the internet.

Note: It is assumed that work submitted is represented as being
authored by the person on whose behalf it is submitted. Falsification
of Work Product is falsifying, concocting or misrepresenting of data,
statistics, or other observations/ information.



All submissions should be made electronically at

The last date for submission of manuscripts is 20th December, 2017.

For More Details Visit Website CLICK HERE

Publication Charge:-


Rs.1,500 Per Paper (Includes Certificate of Publication)

For More Details CLICK HERE

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