Call For Papers For Nordic Journal Of European Law (NJEL), Issue 1 Of 2024: Submit By 1st December 2023

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What Is NJEL?

The Nordic Journal of European Law (NJEL) is an open-access and peer reviewed journal of European law with a Nordic perspective founded and managed by researchers at the Faculty of Law at Lund University, in cooperation with other Nordic universities and specifically with the University of Southern Denmark, the University of Helsinki, the University of Bergen and Reykjavik University. The Journal is published on a bi-annual basis via an open access format on the current webpage. 

The objective of the NJEL is both to promote knowledge and research in European law in the Nordic countries as well as creating a platform and a community for researchers and practitioners in different European law related fields. We welcome submissions from a broad spectrum of areas of European law, and embrace contributions with of interdisciplinary nature. They frequently publish call for papers. However, they do welcome spontaneous submissions at any time.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Submission categories: NJEL welcomes submissions in the form of articles, case notes, and book reviews for the 2024(1) issue. The submissions should be related to EU law in its widest sense. For more information on the submission process and requirements, please see Author requirements by CLICK HERE
  • Deadline for submission: 01.12.2023
  • Publication fee: There is no fee (APC) for publishing in the NJEL.
  • Submission Guidelines:
    • The NJEL welcomes high quality submissions, including articles, case notes and book reviews, related to issues closely connected to European law developments.
    • All work must be original and previously unpublished.
    • To ensure the highest academic standards, diversity of subject matters, and the integrity of the Journal after preliminary acceptance (editorial review), all submissions will be subjected to a double-blind peer review by experts that are independent from the author(s).
    • The word limit on submitted papers is 15000 words for articles and 8000 words for case notes. The general time frame for review is set at 4-6 weeks. Nevertheless, the Journal reserves the right to take as much time as necessary, depending on the individual situation of each submission.
    • The author(s) should submit all manuscripts on Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). All submission should be written in full accordance with the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) (CLICK HERE). Failure to do so will result in the submission being rejected.
    • Copyright terms: The authors retain copyright.
    • Disclaimer: The NJEL is not responsible for works submitted to the Journal. Each author guarantees that she or he is solely responsible for the content of their works as well as citations.

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