Call for Papers for law students by International Journal of Law and Policy Review [Vol. 12, Issue 1]: Submit by Oct 30

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  • The IJLPR is online e-journal and is managed by the School of Technology, Law and Development (STLD) of NUJS. The purpose of introducing this online e-journal is to reach widely to every reader interested in law and other disciplines, by way of open access system through internet and disseminate and share ideas and knowledge of law and legal development all over the world.
  • IJLPR is a teacher-run and peer-reviewed & refereed journal published (January and July) twice a year (Bi-Annual). This online Journal is managed and regulated by the STLD of WBNUJS, Kolkata.

Submission Categories

The write-up (only one) can be sent in MS word format under any of the following categories:

  • Segment 1 – Long Article: Any topic relating to law and policy.
  • Minimum Length (12000 words including footnotes).
  • Segment 2 – Special Article: Any topic relating to law and its research.
  • Minimum Length (6000 words including footnotes).
  • Segment 3 – Short Article: Any topic relating to law and policy.
  • Minimum Length (3000 words including footnotes).

Submission process

Interested candidates must make their submissions through

Submission Deadline

October 30, 2022

The Next issue will be uploaded on or after January 15, 2023.

One may reach out to for further clarity.


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