Call For Papers For Journal ‘Women And Society’ By Advanced Centre For Women’s Studies, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU): Submit Now!

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What Is Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies?

The Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies envisions creating knowledge that develops new perspectives on gender equality. It also aims at strengthening and advancing feminist pedagogy and fostering links between academic research, and political movements for gender equality and social justice.

The Centre for Women’s Studies was inaugurated on 8 November 2001 and has been functioning from the English House, Taar Bungalow premises, since its inception. In its initial years the Centre was engaged only in research and outreach activities. In the academic session 2003-04, Women’s Studies was taught for the first time as a subsidiary subject at undergraduate level in Faculty of Social Sciences. Three boys & eleven girls enrolled in Women’s Studies as a subsidiary subject. The Centre introduced Post-graduate (Part-time) Diploma in Women’s Studies from the academic session 2005-06. The course was open for all disciplines, and students from different backgrounds such as Law, Social Work, Human Rights, Geography and History opted for it. In pursuance of its academic agenda, the Centre started its Ph.D. / M.Phil. Programme from the session 2007-08, with 05 students from different disciplines being admitted in the first batch.

In 2008, the Centre was upgraded from Phase-I to Phase-III owing to its efforts to fulfil the three-fold mandate of Women’s Studies, i.e., Research, Teaching & Outreach. With the introduction of M.A. in Women’s Studies in 2011-12, P. G. Diploma in Women’s Studies was discontinued. In 2012, the Centre was granted the status of ‘Advanced Centre’ by UGC.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Theme: The broad focus of the journal is on gender issues and includes research papers, field study reports and book reviews. Submissions for the journal are welcomed throughout the year, reviewed and published accordingly.
  • Submission Process:
    • The submission guidelines for the journal are attached with this email. If anyone is interested in going through the past issues of the journal they can drop an email to for soft copies of the issues. The past issues of the journal as well as the call for papers &  submission guidelines can also be found on the page of the Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies on
    • All submissions should be made electronically using Microsoft Word.
    • Contributors must provide their complete affiliation, postal & email addresses, and telephone numbers with their papers. In case there are two or more authors then the corresponding author’s name and address details must be specified clearly.
  • Basic formatting of the manuscripts:
    • Papers should be in double line spacing, typed in Times New Roman font 12 pt. and must not exceed 8000 words, inclusive of abstract, references, notes, tables and figures.
    • Papers must be accompanied by an abstract of 15–200 words and five to eight keywords.
    • Research notes and Project reports should be no longer than 2000 words.
    • Submissions should include references as per the format given in the submission guidelines for the Women & Society Journal.
    • Spelling & numerical usages: Use English spellings (labour, centre, etc.). Spell out numbers one to nine, 10 and above to be given in figures.
    • Notes, tables, figures and graphs: Notes should be numbered serially and presented at the end of the paper. All figures and tables should be provided separately at the end of the paper and numbered in the order that they appear in the text. Each figure and table should have a heading, an explanatory caption and a source or reference in a separate file. Location of the tables and figures should be indicated by number (see Table), not by placement (see Table below). Photographs should be in TIFF or JPEG format. Due permissions should be taken for copyright protected photographs / images and source should be provided. Figures and Graphs should be in Black and White. Coloured figures and graphs will not be printed.
    • In-text citations: (Dove and Carpenter, 2008); Zerouki, 1993; Basu et al. (2007).
    • References:
    • Book: Anderson, Benedict (1983). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.
    • Book Chapter: Berdoulay, Vincent (1989). Place, Meaning, and Discourse in French Language Geography. In John A. Agnew and James S. Duncan (Eds.), The Power of Place: Bringing Together Geographical and Sociological Imaginations (pp. 124-39). London: Unwin Hyman.
    • Journal article: Amin, S. (1972). Underdevelopment and dependence in black Africa: Origins and contemporary forms. Journal of Modern African Studies 10: 503-24.

For More Information:

CLICK HERE For Submission Guidelines

CLICK HERE To Visit Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies, AMU Website

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