Call For Chapters in Edited Book By Thomson Reuters: Submit by 20th August 2020

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Call For Chapters in Edited Book


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Crime against child is not an offence against an individual only but against the whole society. In the present social context, children are more vulnerable to crime and it’s mandatory that the State should protect the life and liberty of its citizen especially the marginalized and weaker sections. But the proved ineffectiveness on the part of the State to curb the crimes against child erodes the confidence in the rule of law.

The neglect and indifference toward the children in India during the investigation and subsequent prosecution help the offenders bypass penal provisions of law. The increasing rate of acquittal in offences against child shows that judicial responses towards child victims are not sympathetic. Children are the most important asset of any nation. They are the crucial element for the prosperity of a nation. They are exploited, ill- treated and directed in to undesirable channels by antisocial element in the community.  The worldwide victimization of children can be prevented, or at least its incidence can be greatly reduced, if decisive action is taken.

This Book will takes stock of the current context and aims to bring greater clarity as to how children are victims and vulnerable to various crimes in India. This book will assess the administration of Juvenile Justice System in India. This Book will also focus that children have a right to respect for their evolving capacities and that respecting this right would re-direct the criminal justice system towards a normative framework better equipped to accommodate the realities of childhood; one which contains a clear foregrounding of the child’s experiences and the reality of their daily lives and in which the child’s experience of powerlessness and vulnerability is embedded throughout.

Title of the Book: “Crimes against Children in India:Preventive and Protective Laws”


This Call for Chapter is for contributions in an edited book on the theme: Crimes against Children in India: Preventive and Protective Laws. We are looking forward to receive research papers in form of chapters from the Research Scholars, Academicians (Not below the rank of Assistant Professor), Judges, Advocates, Policy makers, NGO’s, Social Workers etc. The research paper should address the key issues and highlight different views and arguments in the present scenario. Some suggestions should also be put forth by the authors for improving the present situation. Every research paper should be accompanied by an abstract of 200 to 300 words. The abstract should mention the novelty of the idea which the author wishes to put forth. It should also mention the outcome of the research paper.

We are inviting chapters focusing on (but not restricted to) the following themes:

1)      Chapter 1: Child Rights and International Framework:

·         Provisions contained in the international law for the welfare and prevention of crimes against child.

·         The U.N. Covenants/Conventions/Declarations on Children

·         Conventions, declarations, guidelines of the League of Nations, the United Nations, WHO, UNESCO, OHCHR, UNICEF etc.

·         Regional Conventions entered into by the African, European Union, American, Arab, Council of Europe, European Union, SAARC and ASEAN.

·         The U.N. Specialized Agencies on Protection and Welfare of Children

2)      Chapter 2: Crimes against children in India: Protective and Preventive laws:

·         Welfare provisions for children under the constitution and national policies of India

·         The Fundamental Rights and Children

·         The Directive Principles of the State Policy and Children

·         Schedules of the Constitution and Provisions Relating to Children

·         Welfare of Children under National Policies of India

·         Crimes against children which are punishable under the IPC

3)      Protection and Welfare of child under Special and Local Laws:

·         Crime against children punishable under ‘special and local laws’

·         Special Laws Defining and Preventing Crimes against Children

4)      Role of Governmental and Non- Governmental Organization in Protecting the Rights of the children:

·         Notifications, advisories, codes, reports, bills, guidelines and recommendations issued by the governmental and non-governmental organizations for welfare and protection of rights of the child in India.

5)      Judicial and administrative Approach towards children in India:

·         Role of judiciary and administration towards welfare and prevention of children in India.

·         Role of Supreme Court of India and respective High Courts through their innovative judgments regarding protection and welfare of children.

·         Aspects related with the administration of justice for the protection and welfare of the children in India.



Co-Authorship is allowed. However, there can be a maximum of three co-authors in one chapter.


Contributors are requested to submit the full paper explaining the topic, methodology and objectives of the writing on or before 20th August 2020. All communications should be sent to

Note: There is no registration and processing fee.


§  Entries may be emailed to, under the subject heading “Submission of Chapter for the Book”.

§  The title of chapter should be appropriate and relevant to the topic.

§  The paper shall be ORIGINAL and UNPUBLISHED. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected. The paper should not be the repetition of any published work.

§  The word limit should be between 4000-10,000 words including footnotes.

§  The submission should be accompanied with a covering letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institution, contact number and e-mail ID.

§  Co-Authorship is allowed. However, there can be a maximum of three co-authors in one chapter.

§  Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to ILI Style.

§  The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing.

§  A margin of 4 centimetres shall be left on all sides of the paper.

§  Page borders, headers, footers shall not be used.

§  The paper shall be in MS Word Format.

§  Copyright: The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the Publisher.

§  All entries will be reviewed by the editors before publication.


All the manuscripts must adhere to the Submission Guidelines. Non-Compliance with Guidelines will amount to disqualification or rejection of the manuscript. The authors will receive acknowledgement e-mail on the receipt of the chapter by the Editor.

After that, the submissions will be processed through a rigorous editorial procedure and the decision about its acceptance or rejection shall be communicated to the authors within 15 days. In relation to all the issues pertaining to the manuscript of the Book, the decision of the Editors shall be final and binding.


Mr. Abhimanyu Singh


Mobile: +91-8619603156 (Calling)

              +91-9680603049 (Whatsapp)


The selected best quality chapters will be sent for publication in ISBN numbered book by Thomson Reuters publishers.


Dr. Govind Singh Rajpurohit, Head & Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. 

Mr. Abhimanyu Singh, Research Scholar, Faculty of Law, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Contact Info

Abhimanyu SinghMob. (+91)-8619603156, (+91)-9680603049

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