Call for Blogs for law students by NUJS’ SITC (Society for International Trade and Competition Law): Submissions on a rolling basis

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The Society for International Trade and Competition Law (SITC) is a West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) academic society . The rapid changes in global economic conditions have raised new challenges and problems in the sectors of trade and competition law, which are causing worry in nearly every country. SITC aims to create a forum for debate and discussion on these topics in order to examine their numerous facets and provide legal answers to current difficulties in these fields.

Submission Procedure

  • Submissions from students, academics, professionals, and practitioners are encouraged to help create an independent, innovative discussion on international trade and competition law. Authors are encouraged to submit their work to
  • Please send an e-mail to for more information, and we will respond as soon as possible.
  • The submission must address issues of international trade law or competition law, as well as the author’s unique perspective on the topic. Submissions should address current concerns and should either explain normative tendencies or suggest innovative answers to current difficulties.
  • Regardless of the type of analysis used (critical/jurisprudential/theoretical, etc. ), the submission must include a clear identification of concerns and a rational attempt to critique or resolve them.


Official Website

Submission Guidelines

Citation Rules

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