Call for Blogs for law students by Hidayatullah National Law University Student Review (HNLUSR): Rolling Submissions

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The Hidayatullah National Law University Student Review Online (formerly The HNLU Weekly), the online companion to the print version of the Review, was founded in 2015 to better realise the mandate of making legal scholarship more widely accessible.


HNLUSR is accepting submissions from academics, practitioners, legal scholars, and students. Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.

Submission Rules

  • Length Limitations: Except in extraordinary circumstances, HNLUSR will not publish articles exceeding the limitations below. HNLUSR publishes a variety of content. Common examples include but are not limited to the following:
    • Blog posts discussing or evaluating relevant contemporary legal developments, limited to a total length of 700–2,000 words.
    • Commentaries on recent court cases or legislative developments, limited to a total length of 1,000–3,000 words.
    • Book reviews of a recent and relevant book, limited to a total length of 700–1,500 words.
  • Citation Format: Please use hyperlinks rather than footnotes or endnotes.
  • Language: HNLUSR only publishes pieces in English. When American English and British English grammatical or spelling conventions differ, please use the British English standard.

Submission Procedure

  • All submissions must reach electronically and in Microsoft Word format (.doc / .docx).
  • All submissions must be sent as an email attachment to with a subject line beginning with “Online Submission” and including the author’s name, e.g., “Online Submission – John Doe”.
  • In addition to the article manuscript, the body of the email must contain a short biographical information of the author(s) including the name of the institution that they are affiliated to.

Review Procedure

  • Submissions to HNLUSR Online are reviewed on a rolling basis.
  • Once an article has been selected, an Editor will contact the author with further information on the editing and publication process. Selected pieces may be published anywhere from within a few days to two weeks, depending on the level of editing necessary and the timeliness.
  • They generally receive simple redline edits but also may receive more substantive or structural comments, where necessary.
  • All submissions that meet the criteria will be reviewed thoroughly.

For further clarity one may reach out to the following:-

  • submissions policy, please email at
  • In case of any other general queries, please contact at
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