Satta : The Power Of Words (Uthan Youth Parliament Edition II) @ Delhi Unviersity

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work

Uthan Youth Parliament presents Sत्ता: The power of Words, it’s 2nd much awaited edition on 28th- 29th July, 2018.
After the grand success of UTHAN YOUTH PARLIAMENT in the month of January this year, UNNATI brings out the major throwback by presenting:
Sत्ता: The power of Words
Following is a list of our committees and respective agendas for this edition-
1. Lok sabha – The Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill, 2018
2. Rajya sabha – National language bill
3. Citizen dialogue Forum- Review of current education policy
4. Opposition parties meet – Formation of grand alliance/महागठबंधन  for future elections
5. Stakeholder meet – Review of laws relating to sexual offences with special emphasis on marital rape and gender neutrality
6. Niti Ayog – Planning and development of employment opportunities in India
7. AIPPM – Deliberation upon interstate water and land disputes
8. Constituent Assembly Debate – Discussion on fundamental rights and Directive principles of state policy


– Get a chance to interact with IAS , IRS officers and MPs.
– An amazing experience of being a part of a national level conference.
– Get felicitated by Members of Parliament or an IAS officer.
– Certificate signed by an IAS officer to all the participants and Letter Of Appreciation to the best ones.
– Cash prizes to the winners.
– Constitution Of India book as a token of respect to the top participants.
– Trophies to best delegates, special mention and high commendation of all the Committees.
– Parliamentary Momentos to the winners.
– Parliamentary Visit to all the participants.
– Goodies, Gift hampers and many more!!


Delegate Form : CLICK HERE
Press Application :CLICK HERE



Rs. 1500

For further details and queries,

Reach out to us at – Ms. Jyoti Gupta (President) – 9312941753 or mail us at
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