Kashmir University’s National Seminar on Role of Universities in Social Transformation [Sep 12-13]: Submit by Aug 5

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Kashmir University’s National Seminar on Role of Universities in Social Transformation [Sep 12-13]: Submit by Aug 5


About the Organizer:

The University of Jammu and Kashmir was founded in the year 1948. In the year 1969, it was bifurcated into two full-fledged Universities: University of Kashmir at Srinagar and the University of Jammu at Jammu.

Over the Years University of Kashmir has expanded substantially. It has established Satellite Campuses at Anantnag (South Campus) and Baramulla (North Campus) and three more Satellite Campuses at Kupwara, Kargil and Leh are being established to make higher education more accessible to people living in remote areas of Kashmir valley. The University has also established a Sub-Office at Jammu to cater to the needs of the candidates enrolled with the University from outside Kashmir.

About the Seminar:

Universities have frequently been regarded as key institutions in processes of social change and development. The most explicit role they have been allocated is the production of highly skilled labor and research output to meet perceived socioeconomic needs.

The overarching aim of this seminar is to increase understanding of the various ways in which universities and other higher education institutions generate, contribute or inhibit social, economic and political change.

Call  For Abstracts/Papers

Abstracts are invited on identified themes of the seminar (not exceeding 300 words) in MS Word font 12 (Times New Horizon) single spacing and should be sent to Seminar Convenor through:

Email: cusi2016@yahoo.com

Important Dates:

  1. Last date for submission of abstracts: Aug 5
  2. Notification of  acceptance/rejection of abstracts:Aug 15
  3. Last date for registration: Aug 25
  4. Last date for submission of full papers: Sep 01
  5. Conference Dates: Sep 12-13

Registration Fee:

  1. Faculty Member (Outstation): Rs 4000/- (With Accommodation), Rs 2500/-      (Without Accommodation)

2. Research Scholar (Outstation): Rs 2500/- (With Accommodation), Rs 1500/- (Without Accommodation)

3. Faculty Member (Local): Rs 2000/-

4. Research Scholar (Local): Rs 1000/-

*The registration fee includes a lunch/tea for two days. The selected outstation participants will be provided accommodation on a need basis and should write in advance.

Registration Procedure:

The registration fee should be sent through demand draft in favor of Convenor – National Seminar on “Role of Universities in Social Transformation‟ payable at Srinagar.

The request for registration may please be filled in the prescribed registration form and addressed in the enclosed form and sent to:

Prof. Aneesa Shafi – Convenor of the Seminar National Seminar on “Role of Universities in Social Transformation‟ University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir, India-190006.


Phone: 9419007004 / 9419900412 / 9419006522

Email: aneesashafi@yahoo.co.in / dr.manzoor_hussain@yahoo.co.in / saleemjehangir@gmail.com

For further details, please visit the link given here.


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