Call for Papers: Network for International Law Students (NILS) Delhi in collaboration with IJLI (ISSN: 2456-3595).

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Call for Papers

Network for International Law Students (NILS) Delhi in collaboration with International Journal of Legal Insight (IJLI) (ISSN: 2456-3595)

Submit 22.11.2016

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

About Network for International Law Students (NILS) Delhi

The Network for International Law Students (NILS) Delhi Chapter is one of the many local Chapters of NILS India which is an international, independent, non-political, non-profit organisation, run by and for law students. NILS Delhi seeks to promote legal awareness, communication, and cooperation to publicize educational and career opportunities for law students nationally.

Call for Papers

Network for International Law Students (NILS) Delhi, in collaboration with International Journal for Legal Insight (IJLI), calls for papers for its first quarterly issue, with a common objective to promote and rejuvenate the habit of creative writing and research. Articles are invited from law students, research scholars, academicians and professionals in the form of original, unpublished articles, notes & comments and Legislative Briefs on contemporary issues of International Law. IJLI is an open ended/access double-blind peer reviewed law journal publishing quarterly issues focussing on all aspects of Law coupled with a wide range social, economic and political disciplines.


No rigid thematic constraints, we expect contributions to be largely within the rubric of legal studies and allied interdisciplinary scholarship.

Submission Guidelines

I. Word

a) 4000 to 6000 words (inclusive of footnotes) in case of Articles

b) 1000 to 3000 words (inclusive of footnotes) in case of Case Commentaries

c) 1000 to 2500 words (inclusive of footnotes) in case of Legislative Briefs; implication of any existing or proposed Indian legislation (both Central/State). One can also focus on any specific section/s or present an overview of the legislation.

d) 2500 to 4000 words (inclusive of footnotes) in case of Notes; include condensed study in the contemporary legal issue.

II. The main text of the paper should be in font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing and footnotes in font size 10, Times New Roman, 1.0 line spacing. Legal maxims should be in italics and a margin of 2.54 centimetres shall be left on all sides of the paper.

III. All manuscripts submitted shall accompany

a) A cover letter with the Submission Category – (Example: Articles/Notes/Case Commentaries/Legislative Briefs), Name(s) of the Author(s), Institution/Affiliation, the Title of the manuscript and contact information viz. Email ID and Mobile number;

b) An undertaking as to the work submitted is genuine and the author is the original owner of the work, and the same is not published anywhere before.

c) An abstract of not more than 200 words describing the submission.

IV. Electronic submissions shall be made in Word Format (.doc)/(.docx) only;

V. Text and citations should ideally conform to the rules in THE BLUEBOOK: A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF CITATION (19th edition). The Review employs footnotes as the method of citation.

VI. Pre-Publishing Formalities

The author(s) are kindly expected to submit a scanned copy of the Copyright Agreement Form, Processing and Publication Fee, once the manuscript is accepted for publication. For the convenience of the author(s) we offer a payment gateway of INSTAMOJO on the website itself and author(s) can also use Paytm wallet transfer. Apart from this the author(s) interested in alternate payment methods would be notified via e-mail regarding the payment option.

Single Authored Manuscript – INR 1000

Co-Authored Manuscript – INR 1500

The fee includes a copy of the journal issue in CD and a Certificate of Publication to the author(s) through speed post/courier. The interested author(s) can also procure a printed copy of the journal by an additional payment of INR 500.

For Foreign Nationals

Single Authored Manuscript – INR 1500

Co-Authored Manuscript – INR 2000

The fee includes a copy of the journal issue in CD and a Certificate of Publication to the author(s) through speed post/courier. The interested author(s) can also procure a printed copy of the journal by an additional payment of INR 1000

Submissions must be made via e-mail at


25 November, 2016.

For Submission and Queries:

Mihir Saraswat President NILS Delhi Chapter





TOPICS:   Call for Paper, Network for International Law Students (NILS) Delhi, International Journal for Legal Insight (IJLI),


LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

The Contents of this Website are informative only and for the benefit of the general public. Even though every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of information and procedure, the is not responsible for any inadvertent errors and the same may please be brought to the notice through e-mail:

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