Internship Experience @ Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in NACO Department, New Delhi

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Internship Experience @ Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in NACO Department, New Delhi

Name, Year of Study, College, Email ID

Nikita Kaushik, BALLB – 5th Year

Name of Organisation, Location

Ministry of health and family welfare in NACO Department,
Janpath Road, New Delhi – 110001

Application Process

You need to send CV along with Cover Letter with the internship form on and then they select 10 students throughout the year on merit basis.
They generally prefer students from 4th year onward. Once the internship is confirmed you will receive a mail regarding the duration of the internship and according to your flexibility you can start internship any month in the year.

Duration of Internship and Timings

6 weeks ( 26th Dec. 2018 to 5th Feb 2019)
Monday to Friday :- 9:00AM to 6:00 PM

First Impression, First Day Formalities, Infrastructure

I reach my office by 9:00 AM, After which I meet with Ms. Vinita mam who head of Internship department. she was very co-operative, sweet & encouraging. After a brief introduction, she ask me about my field & according to my area of interest. she referred me in IEC and mainstreaming division. Where I meet to Mr. Rakesh Rana & Ms Garima who was my internship guider in IEC & mainstreaming Division.

Main Tasks

The kind of work assign to interns completely depend on Mr. Rakesh Rana Sir & Ms. Vinita mam. I had do a drafting, submitted a project or report on “A Qualification study to assess the awareness & knowledge of HIV & AIDS ACT” 2017 among PLHIV visiting one ART centre in Delhi.

Work Environment

All the member of IEC & mainstreaming division are very helpful & easily approachable.
The one thing, I learn there that do your work on time and be punctual.

Good Things 

The interns & the members of IEC & maintaining division are very frank. We had a small party in the mid of the day. They know how to reduce the stress level & how to co-operate with the other members of the office.


Yes, I get 8000/- month

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