Interview with Mr.Ravi Shankar Jha, Legal & Policy Consultant By Mr. Suyogya Awasthy, CFO @ LawOF

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Interview with

Mr.Ravi Shankar Jha,

Legal & Policy Consultant

By Mr. Suyogya Awasthy, CFO @ LawOF

PERSONAL DETAILS:                                                       

  • Name: Mr. Ravi Shankar Jha
  • Designation: Legal & Policy Consultant
  • Qualifications: BA.LLB (Hons.) from RMLNLU, Lucknow, Masters In Public Policy from LKY School Of Public Policy.

  1. Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF:  Sir, as being someone who has switched to being a policy professional from a lawyer, how would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

Well! I have never really introduced myself this formally except for job interviews. So, I Must confess that it’s a difficult question for me, but I will take a shot. The way I see myself is that at heart, I am still a lawyer who loves the discipline of law but understands its limitations and drawbacks. It was for this reason that chose to do my masters in a discipline other than law, because I thought a lawyer who only knows law is no lawyer at all. This combined with my keen interest in economics drove me to the world of policy.

2. Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF: What inspired you to join law, were you able to satisfy your self-inspiration.

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

Frankly, the decision was taken in ignorance and a deep realization that I am not suitable for most other profession.

3. Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF:  How was your law school journey?

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

My law school journey was fantastic to say the least. Without a doubt it was the best five years of my life. I loved reading about law. I did moots, debated and did things which I never thought I was capable of. I grew as an individual as well as shaped as a professional in those 5 years. I was also fortunate to be taught by some brilliant teachers like Kumar Askand Pandey, Manvendra Kumar Tiwari and Prof. Balraj Chauhan himself. However, the most important gift from the law school days was the incredible people I met and became friends with in 5 years. People like Kushagra Pandey, Ankita Singh and Suvigya Awasthy became inseparable parts of my life and have supported me through my thick and thins since then. I will not trade them for anything in this life. This might sound a bit philosophical but the best mantra that I learned in law school was this:

Earn people, not money.

4. Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF:  What would you suggest for the students who are new to the law profession and those who are graduating?

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

I suggest them to not waste their time reading interviews of useless people like me :P. Honestly, for a lawyer, there is no option but to just keep reading and read useful stuff. However, what I would recommend from my experience to not get swayed by just ideas, howsoever great that it may sound. Understand the context, civilization and rich history of this world and country and then try and locate these ideas in that context. Books are beautiful and amazing but as most things in this world, they don’t give a complete picture.

5. Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF:  How do you measure the success of any person in their career?

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

Well, I have always had a very idealistic measure of success in my life. Also, I must admit that I have had to pay dearly for such views. Success is when people not only swear by your competence behind your back but your compassion. It’s the way you touch people’s lives is what the true measure of success has been for me.

6. Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF:  Please share the golden rules of your life, which brought you here so that the students can gain from the useful insight and can be inspired by you.

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

Don’t let “anyone” question your competence in life and never stop improving as a person. And finally, don’t let money drive your choices in life.

7. Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF:  Any suggestions or comments for the students?

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

Please find yourself better stuff (than this interview) to read.

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Suyogya Awasthy from LawOF:  Your views on LawOF and token of Love and message to our readers?

Ravi Shankar Jha: 

I have known Mr. Suyogya Awasthy for almost a decade now but I will always remember you for the awesome prank you pulled on me. Hope you keep pulling them off on life too. To your readers, I would say chasing happiness is important but also chase purpose.





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