Call for Paper: Journal of Taxation and Regulatory Framework Volume 1 Issue 2, Submission by 30th April 2019

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Call for Paper: Journal of Taxation and Regulatory Framework Volume 1 Issue 2, Submission by 30th April 2019

Consortium eLearning Network Pvt. Ltd. (CELNET) group is one of the fastest and most innovative publishers of STM Content in India. We already publish & manage more than 250+ Scientific, technical, medical Journals. We have more than 40,000 authors, editors, subscribers associated with us on our various online platforms for Knowledge creation.

We invite Research Scholars, Academicians, Independent Law Professionals and other members of Law Fraternity to make their submission in form of articles, short notes, case studies involving legal or social issues.

About the Journal:

Journal of Taxation and Regulatory Framework invites submission of unpublished original research article, review article or case law and project report for its Volume 1, Issue 2.

Theme/ Topic: 

Call for Paper for Journal of Taxation and Regulatory Framework Issue 2 Volume 1: Submitted by 30th April 2019.


Papers may be submitted in following categories:

Research articles (Contains abstract up to 250 word and articles should be 3000-5000 words).

Review articles (References- 100 words, abstract- 300 words, articles- 6000 words).

Popular articles (References- 100 words, abstract- 300 words, articles- 6000 words).

Short communications (1000 words).


All the Articles and Research Papers being contributed for Journal of Taxation and Regulatory Framework are to be sent at:

Entry should be in either ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format. A mail confirming the receipt of the entry and subsequently notifying selected works of author (s) will be sent.

Processing /Registration fee: Free of Cost

Authors should mention the name, email id., name of the institution, address of the institution along with the manuscripts

Important dates of Submission:

30th April 2019.


1) The work submitted shall be original and unpublished.

2) Plagiarism of any kind is prohibited.

3) A reference list should be provided at the end of the manuscript. All the references mentioned in the text should be cited in the “Author–Number” system (Vancouver style). There should be at least 10 references in the article.

4) The body of the paper shall be-

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12

Line Spacing: 1.5

Language: British English.

Processing /Registration fee: 

Free of Cost

Authors should mention the name, email id., name of the institution, address of the institution along with the manuscript.

Contact:  For any doubt(s)/clarification, please contact us at or call us at 0120-4781249.

For any other information please visit our website: CLICK HERE  



Jyoti Gupta
Commissioning Editor
Consortium E- Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.
A – 118 Level 1, Sector 63 Noida 201301
Tel: 0120-4781249 
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