5 Days Refresher Course & Training Programme on Health Care Laws and Patient Rights @ Cochin University [ 28th Feb- 3rd March, 2020]: Submit by feb 15

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5 Days Refresher Course & Training Programme

on Health Care Laws and Patient Rights

@ Cochin University [ 28th Feb-  3rd March, 2020]:

Submit by feb 15


Justice V R Krishna Iyer Chair on Human Rights, School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, is organising a 5 Day Refresher Course and Training Programme on Health Care Laws and Patient Rights from 28th February to 3rd March, 2020

The Course is intended to keep the participants updated about various facets of health care laws and patient rights and how change in technologies impact the rights.


·         Constitutional ambit of right to health
·         Doctor – patient relationship

·         New Technologies and Doctor – patient relationship

·         Rights of patients
·         Political Economy of Health
·         R&D in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
·         IP & Access to medical products
·         Clinical Trials and Regulations
·         Regulation on professionals and institutions providing health care

·         Vulnerability of Patients in Health Care System

(All the above mentioned areas will be approached and analysed from a human rights/ patient right perspective)

Who can Attend

The workshop is open for academicians, researchers and students of law, medicine and para-medical streams.

Call for Papers

Research papers are invited from intended participants on the broad topics given above. An abstract containing not more than 350 words should be sent to the email address mentioned below. On acceptance of the abstracts, full papers should be sent by the authors within prescribed time. The successful completion of the course will be subjective to the submission of full papers in the prescribed format.

Registration Process

·         Submission of abstract and its selection

·  Payment of fees of Rs. 1000 and submission of duly filled registration form. (Details regarding payment of the Fees and Registration Form is available in the Brochure)

Publication Of Papers

·         The organizers propose to publish selected papers received as an edited book with ISBN number.


·         Last Date of Sending Abstracts               : 15th February 2020

·         Intimation of Selection of Abstracts        : 17th February 2020

·         Completion of Fee Remittance

And Registration Process                      : 20th February, 2020

·         Programme Dates                                    : 28th Feb to 3rd March, 2020

(Classes from 9:30 am to 4: 30 pm)

·   The filled up registration form, attached herewith, along with the fee remittance details must be mailed to the emailed id mentioned herein by 20th February, 2020 5:00 PM.


School Of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kalamassery, Kochi – 682 022

 Travel & Accommodation

·         No TA/DA will be provided by the host institution.

·         The participants are required to make their own arrangements for accommodation.

 Contact Info


Smt. Arathi Ashok (Ph. No.: 9847982918)

Sri. P. C. Harigovind (Ph. No.: 9446633249)

For Official Notification, click here. 

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