Nebula Youth Parliament by Modern College of Law, Ghaziabad [Feb 22-23]: Registrations Open

Nebula Youth Parliament

by Modern College of Law, Ghaziabad [Feb 22-23]:

Registrations Open

About the College

MCL set up under the aegis of Ganesh Shiksha Samiti, a registered non-profit body; the Modern College of Law has been established in 2004. The college is located in a sprawling campus at Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad at a compatible distance of 10 Km from Delhi.

About the Youth Parliament

Nebula Youth Parliament organised by Modern College of Law, Ghaziabad. The conference is going to be held on 22nd-23rd February 2020 and is comprised of 4 exciting committees, celebrations of diversity along with some pleasant surprises as well.


  1. All India Political Parties Meet- Scope of Article 33 of the Indian Constitution and AFSPA in present-day Jammu and Kashmir
  2. Lok Sabha: Reviewing the policies of NDA government 2014-2019
  3. Niti Aayog:  Formulating strategies of smart cities for urban transformation with holistic approach on resources
  4. Hindustan Press


Nebula YP’20 is open for all- school, college, university students all over India.

Registration Fee

Rs. 1200/- Per Delegate

For individual application form, click here.



Cash Prizes for winners

Prizes worth Rs. 40,000/-

Contact Details

Mudit Dewan: 9555752752

Anshuman Gupta: 8532001543


For the Facebook link, click here.

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