GNLU Center for Law and Economics is organising a Certificate Course on Economics of Regulation and Globalization from 12 – 16 February, 2018.

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GNLU Center for Law and Economics is organising a Certificate Course on Economics of Regulation and Globalization from 12 – 16 February, 2018.


About the Course:

Even if regulation is often considered from a merely national point of view, globalization constitutes a new context for regulation. Not only is it impossible to regulate efficiently some issue at the national level (e.g. to solve problems like drug trafficking or climate change), but globalization is also exercising pressures on national regulation for it to remain “attractive” (in order to attract businesses, foreign direct investment and strengthen economic growth). To face the new challenges of globalization for regulation, some are considering the need for global or regional harmonization, others are emphasizing the benefits of fragmentation. This course will inquire into this double movement using the tools of law and economics (i.e, considering that law as a tool of social engineering which aims’ to incentivize economic agents). This course will address questions ranging from accountability standards to environmental and human rights treaties, to WTO regulation or arbitration. It will enable the students to develop a critical approach regarding these regulations.

Tentative Course Content

Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2: Multilevel regulation, why do we need supranational regulation?

Lecture 3: Regulatory competition, the influence of globalization on national regulation.

Lecture 4: Economic Analysis of Regulation

Lecture 5: Regulating global issues: Is International Law sufficient?

Lecture 6: Understanding International Law through game theoryLecture 7: National and International Independent agencies as a solution?
Lecture 8: Economic Analysis of Global Financial Regulatory System

Resource Persons:

    • Dr. Regis Lanneau, Associate Professor of Public Law & Economics, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

.Dr. Ranita Nagar, Professor of Economics, Gujarat National Law University

  • Dr. Hitesh Kumar Thakker, Assistant Professor of Economics, Gujarat National Law University.

Registration & Fees:

Kindly refer to the attached brochure for all relevant details, and the registration procedure.

Note that the last date to register is Monday, February 12, 2018, or till seats last.

Please find the Brochure 

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