Contract Drafting & Dispute Resolution Workshop on 6 July 2018 @ Hyderabad

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Contract Drafting & Dispute Resolution Workshop on 6 July 2018 @ Hyderabad

Key Topics

Negotiation of Commercial Contracts

  • Planning and conducting contract negotiation
  • Understanding the needs of negotiating parties
  • Deal or no-deal situations – how to keep the options open
  • Determining the rights and obligation of parties
  • Win-win situation – a myth or a reality?
  • Understand the elements effecting negotiation process – Culture, Language & Legal System

A Hands-on Guide to Drafting Commercial Contracts

  • What is a Commercial Contract -The contract law fundamentals & elements
  • Difference between MU, letter of Intent, an agreement
  • Converting MoU, Letter of Intent into a formal Contract
  • Formation of contracts – Techniques in drafting contracts Introductory Provisions including Parties, Recitals, Definitions etc.
  • Critical Provisions including Appointment, Conditions Precedent, Consideration, Covenants, Term & Termination, Representations & Warranties & Indemnities
  • General clauses like Governing Law, Arbitration, Force Majeure, Arbitration etc.

Technique of drafting International Contracts

  • Analyzing the key elements in cross border agreements: What are the terms unique to overseas contracts?
  • Addressing various jurisdictions issue : Complying with overseas jurisdiction & coinciding with the rule
  • Effective techniques in drafting international commercial contracts

Sharing some cases on intricacies of:

  • General Commercial agreements
  • Joint Venture Agreements
  • Technical Collaboration Agreements
  • Franchise Agreements

Dispute Resolution Clauses & Mechanism

  • Understanding & identifying dispute prone areas
  • Possible consequences and the medium of dispute resolution mechanisms
  • Remedies for disputes emerging from contracts
  • ADR provision in contract
  • Litigation Or Arbitration – A comparative Analysis
  • Role of corporate counsel in dispute management

6 July

Why you should attend?

  • Administer commercial contracts to boost your performance and profitability
  • Practical insights into advanced contract drafting
  • Mastering innovative negotiation skills
  • Mapping the risks and measures of mitigation
  • Define performance terms to guarantee effective delivery and minimize costs
  • Avoid common contractual pitfalls
  • Drafting effective Dispute Resolution & Arbitration clauses
  • Practice exercises: Examples of Clauses & its implication with drafting exercises

Who Should Attend

  • Head-Contract Administration & Management
  • Head of Legal
  • Corporate Legal Counsel
  • General Counsel
  • Chief Counsel
  • Regional Counsel
  • Legal Managers
  • Corporate Legal Advisors
  • Company Secretaries
  • Senior Legal Practitioners
  • Legal Consultants
  • Lawyers



M: 8810349953

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