South Asian Journal of Law and Policy Review (Vol. 2 Iss. 1) Deadline: 30 Dec. 2016.

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South Asian Journal of Law and Policy Review

(Vol. 2 Iss. 1)

 Deadline: 30 Dec. 2016.

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

Law and Policy Review invites contribution from the students, teachers, scholars and professionals for Vol. 2 Iss. 1 of their journal South Asian Journal of Law and Policy Review (ISSN: 2455-8087).

A submission may fall within any of the following categories:

  • Articles (3000 – 7000 Words)
  • Essays (2000 – 3000 Words)
  • Case notes/comments (1500 – 2500 Words)
  • Book Reviews (1000-2000 Words)

The above limits are exclusive of footnotes. We are also open to discussing potential submissions that are substantially longer or shorter.

Please get in touch with us for further information and to discuss any such proposals you may have.

Citation style:

Citation style must adhere to the Harvard Bluebook Style of Uniform Citations (19th/20th Edition).


We only accept previously unpublished submissions. All submissions will be subject to a plagiarism check, a maximum of 25% material may be borrowed (with proper referencing and acknowledgment) from foreign materials, including footnotes.

All submissions shall be presumed to be the original work of the authors named in the paper. Any liability arising out of any findings to the contrary shall be on the author and not Law and Policy Review or its Editors or Advisory Board members.


Although we accept submissions on a rolling basis, the first deadline for  submissions will be 30 December 2016.

Format of Submissions:

Please send in your submissions in MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) to bearing the subject ‘Submission for SAJLPR Vol.2 Iss.1’, along with the following information in the body:

  • Name
  • Institution
  • Position / Year of Study
  • Author contact information

An abstract of not more than 300 words should also be attached separately.


For More InformationCLICK HERE




LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

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