Internship Opportunity @ Mohan Foundation. Locations: Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Jaipur & Chandigarh.

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Internship Opportunity @ Mohan Foundation.

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

Internships at MOHAN Foundation

Do you have the passion and commitment to make a difference in organ donation and in saving lives?

MOHAN Foundation offers internship opportunities to interested individuals. These are awarded after screening of applications. In the past, we have had interns who worked for 2 weeks to a year. The duration of the internship is flexible depending upon your interest and skills. MOHAN Foundation prefers a 2-6 months’ internship.

Work Description:

The internship may involve some field work. If you wish to undertake any specific project related to organ donation or transplantation, you are requested to send us a synopsis of the project along with your application.


You can work from any of our offices located in Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Jaipur and Chandigarh. College credits can also be awarded on an individual basis to students.

If you show exceptional talent and are hardworking, sincere and diligent, a job may be offered during the internship.


If you are interested in interning with MOHAN Foundation please send us a covering letter, your resume and the filled application form by post or by email to

All interns are required to become life members of MOHAN Foundation. Life membership forms can be availed at the respective offices of MOHAN Foundation. Or you can Register Online.


For More Information, CLICK HERE




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