GNLU Advanced Training Programme on Election Law and Electoral Reforms [Sept 21 – 24, Gandhinagar]: Registration Open

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GNLU Advanced Training Programme on Election Law and Electoral Reforms [Sept 21 – 24, Gandhinagar]:

Registration Open


21st – 24th September, 2017


Election Law and Electoral Reforms


GNLU Gandhinagar

Innovation and Contribution:

This training programme of teaching Election Law is governed under the Constitution of India and different laws. How the Election law provided governance of election system in India?

This is the first time that a training program based on Election law and its practice is created along Election Reforms.

This training programme aims to provide comprehensive knowledge about various processes established for the conduct of elections.

Training aims to provide a structure about the reforms argued in the election system of India.

Profile of Faculty/Resource Person:

Dr. Girish R, Assistant Professor of Law, Gujarat National Law University, has 11 years of teaching experience.

He has experience in Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Comparative Public Law, Law of Contracts and Election Laws.

His research fields include Election Laws, Government Contracts and Public Procurement Law and Criminal Justice Systems.


15 hours, 4 Days

Tentative Dates:

21st – 24th September, 2017 (Thursday to Sunday).


Academic Halls, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.


Lectures, Presentation of Statutes, Case-laws from India and comparison of major legal systems from other countries.


25 marks (MCQs 20 marks + Participation 5 Marks)


Rs. 750/- For participants (Note: Fees include only registration, tuition and course material)

Accommodation and Food:

By participants: You may contact Dr Girish R, +918128650806, +919824497684,


Interested applicant may send a mail to

Payment link is HERE.

For further details, click HERE.
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