1st Online Elocution Competition by Legal Aid Centre, University of Lucknow [No Registration Fee]: Register by 30 June

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1st Online Elocution Competition by

Legal Aid Centre, University of Lucknow

[No Registration Fee]:

Register by 30 June

Online Elocution Competition for Law Students 2020

 About the Organisation:

 Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow, established in 1921, is a pioneer legal institution of India. The Faculty offers Undergraduate, Post Graduate, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programmes. The Faculty is running a Centre of Excellence on Gandhian Dream of Litigation Free Village.

Lucknow University Legal Aid Clinic:

 Lucknow University Legal Aid Clinic is inspired by the determination to promote ‘EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL’, seek to promote legal literacy, provide free legal services, create socially responsible citizens and to facilitate access to justice to the marginalized and deprived classes of the society.

About the Event:

No Registration Fee

 In the pursuance of this quest to grow, Legal Aid Centre, University of Lucknow, is organising its ‘1st Online Elocution Competition’ during pandemic themed on ‘EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL’, to foster the skill of public speaking among students and their dynamic thoughts through Elocution may pave the way for marginalised and deprived sections of the society to access justice.

LawOF  www.lawof.in Provides information about various online  competitions  for Law Students.


  1. COVID-19 & “Access to Justice”
  2. “Tele-Law” Scheme & COVID-19 lockdown.
  3. Access to justice : Role of Legal Services Institution
  4. Legal Service Authorities & Justice amid COVID-19.
  5. Free Legal Aid: Challenges & Solutions

Guidelines and Rules:

  1. Only one video per participant is allowed.
  2. The medium of language may be English, Hindi or both.
  3. Time limit of entries must be 05-07 Minutes.
  4. Voice of the participants must be clear and audible. Any use of background music or props are prohibited.
  5. Participants are required to wear Formals (any colour)
  6. Decisions of the organizing committee will be final.
  7. By sending the video, the creator transfers all the rights over the video to the LAC.


  1. The top five entries will be awarded with a special Certificate of merit.
  2. Other participants shall be awarded with e-Certificate.
  3. Videos may be uploaded on the LAC YouTube channel.

Registration Details

There is no registration fee.

Following are the steps to register-

STEP 1- Interested Students shall register at here.

STEP 2- Upload your video on Drive/YouTube and share the link,  here.

Important Dates

  1. Last date for submission: 30 Jun 2020 (11:59 pm i.e. prior to 12 Midnight)
  2. Declaration of result: on or before 20 July 2020.

 Contact Info

Puneet Deshwal

Rohit keshri (8932806335)

Aakash Sharma (8318927609)

SamridhiAnand (7232965235)

For event brochure, click here


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