CERTIFICATE COURSE: ipolicy for Young Leaders: Certificate Course in Public Policy @ Delhi from 29-31 July 2016. Application deadline: 10 July 2016.

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ipolicy for Young Leaders: Certificate Course in Public Policy @Delhi from 29-31 July 2016.  Application deadline: 10 July 2016.

ìpolicy for Young Leaders (July 2016)

Event Date: 29 Jul To 31 Jul 2016

Time: 9:00am-6:00pm

Venue: CCS Office, New Delhi

ipolicy for Young Leaders

ìpolicy for Young Leaders aims to reach out to undergraduates, graduates, post graduates and recent graduates who have just started working. CCS believes that such individuals hold the power to change the future, and because they are currently in a space where their belief and knowledge could be channelized and strengthened through exposure to ideas of a free society.


  • To create a fun, open, and respectful environment where everyone is encouraged to think critically about social, economic, and political issues.
  • To evoke in participants a passionate inquiry into their own values and role in creating a good society.
  • To equip participants with fundamental concepts of political economy and sound public policy to enable them understand the root cause of current challenges and effectively advocate for policy solutions through their current work and future professions.
  • To plug participants into a global network of opportunities to propel their intellectual growth, make personal connections and access resources to help them advance their vision of a free society.

Eligibility: The course is open to all students, recent graduates as well as post graduates. Participants will be selected based on their application merit.

Please Note: Selected participants are required to attend all the sessions held during the course upon which they will receive a certificate of participation.

Course Fee: The ipolicy fee is Rs 4000, which shall cover food and course materials for the entire duration of the program. The fee is payable upon selection, and can be made online, via cheque or DD, details of which will be communicated later. The participants are requested to make their own travel arrangements. Selected participants will be notified on a rolling basis.

Application Deadline: 10 July 2016

Apply Now!



NOTE:  LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Certificate Course/Job/Internship. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it. 

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