Call For Papers @ Journal of Intersectional Analysis: Submit by 1st Sep 2020

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Online Call for Papers for Law Students, practitioners  and academicians

About Us:

The Journal of Intersectional Analysis is an international journal launched to provide expression to the complex categories of class, gender, nationality, disability, and other identities. The journal aims to be a leading source of scholarly research into how we understand the idea and application of ‘intersectionality’ not only in its broad nature but also the very nuances of it as are increasingly relevant in today’s day and age.

Standards for Submission:

The Theme of Submissions: We take submissions relating to all themes of intersectionality. The Journal is interested in exploring original ideas, the editorial board will help authors to better the idea. We encourage the authors to send submission, we do not look forward to rejecting articles necessarily unless they divulge from the central theme.

Language: The Journal of Intersectional Analysis only publishes pieces in English.

Electronic Submissions: We ask all authors to submit their work in Microsoft Word format. The submissions will be reviewed and edited by the Editorial Board under the supervision of the Editor in Chief of the respective teams.

Citation Format: We recognize all forms of citations considering that the form of citation is universal throughout the paper. The citation style used should be mentioned in the covering letter.

The Journal of Intersectional Analysis accepts submissions in the following categories.

  1. Papers: 3000-6000 words.

This category is majorly designed for a comprehensive sustained analysis of a legal or sociological topic taken up by the author. These can also be argumentative articles provided you are able to back up your claims with evidence. There must be an analysis that is being drawn and the author should ideally give a few constructive suggestions at some part of the article. The same principle is applicable for submissions in the field of the social sciences.

  1. Case Notes and Legislative Comments: 1000 – 2000 words.

The aspect of case notes and legislative comments are very relevant and an integral part of this journal. Here, we are inviting concise arguments around any relevant or prevalent legal controversy. It should be concise, crisp and a critical analysis of a judicial decision, new legislation or policy reform.

  1. Book Reviews and Film Reviews: 2000 words.

We are open to all books and films which discuss the idea of intersectionality. We request you to provide us with the copy of the book in a digital format for our editors to read. Similarly, in case our editors do not have access to the film (the onus to provide the access shall be upon the author). We do not have any bar on the time period or year or the language of the film( unless subtitles exist or a translated version).

  1. Photographs and Art Works

The Journal has a separate team dedicated to publishing photographs and Art Works that will be thoroughly assessed by our team comprising Photographer Karl Kolah and published in the Journal. The photographs should be monochrome.

All words limits are inclusive of footnotes the journal is flexible on the word count depending on the quality of the submission. Submissions under Papers and Articles must necessarily contain an abstract of not more than 200 words.

All submissions must be accompanied with a covering letter indicating the name of the author(s), title of the submission, the email address of the author(s), academic qualifications including the degrees completed and the name of the organization/university/institution to which they are affiliated. The same should not be stated anywhere on the paper/document submitted for review.  

Co-authoring of papers among individuals of the same or different institutions is permissible. There is no bar on authorship membership.

LawOF Provides information about legal call for papers for Law Students, practitioners  and academicians

Formatting Guidelines:

  • The submission must be word-processed and in Times New Roman
  • The main text should be in font size 12, 1.5 line spacing and footnotes in font size 10 single line spacing.
  • A one-line gap must be maintained between all paragraphs and headings.
  • All paragraphs must begin with a one-inch indent.
  • All hyperlinks must be in black colour and must not be underlined

Acknowledgements: Please provide the number of grants or the name of the foundations that have helped in the funding aspects of the paper if any.

Publishing Ethics: The journal is a peer-reviewed journal and the fundamental virtues that drive all the members in the journal are to build a distinguished medium and a reasonable network for the flow of knowledge. It is thereby empirical to understand that there is an expectation of ethical behaviour from all parties publishing in this journal. We strongly condemn the practice of plagiarism or any subsidiary malpractices that prevail and stand firmly with the Publishing ethics universally acceptable.

Disclaimer: The motive of the journal is to encourage ideas and facilitate a medium of expression for individuals. We are not looking to reject any piece of work but rather work on it with you.

No fee is being charged for the current issue and the deadline for the submission is 1st September 2020 11:59 PM.

All submissions of the written nature have to be sent to:

All submissions of Visual Nature (Photographs and Artwork) are to be sent to:

Contact Info

For any queries please reach out to us at

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