Call For Blogs @ Law Smriti: [No Registration Fee] :Submission On Rolling Basis

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Call For Blogs @ Law Smriti: [No Registration Fee]

:Submission On Rolling Basis

Online Call for blogs for Law Students / research scholars / professionals 2020

About the Organisers

“LAW SMRITI: Indian Journal on Law Research”, aims to provide a platform to students to aware about write a blog on various topics related to law, general knowledge and social behaviour. This includes covering key aspects and issues within the scope of law and current hot topics. Our main objective is to inspire a good researcher.

Call for Blogs

This blog shall have the latest updates regarding the legal, social facets of the societies at large. We invite bloggers to connect with us and share their views or submit articles that can be posted and shared through this blog.

LawOF Provides information about Internships for Law Students, Top Indian Legal Blog, Online legal Blog


Theme The Authors are at liberty to choose any topic on Law and current hot topics. Blogs on recent topics of legal importance are encouraged even though it is not the sole criterion. The writing should be innovative and highlight one’s research.

Submission Guidelines

  1. It should be in MS Word format.
  2. There shall be an appropriate title of the manuscript.
  3. The manuscript shall be original and unpublished.
  4. All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 and Spacing 1.5, Justified.
  5. The footnotes must be in Times New Roman, font size 10 and Spacing 1.5, Justified.
  6. Heading: 12, Bold, Justified & Sub-heading: 12, Bold, Justified
  7. The Language of the blog shall be English or Hindi.
  8. Co-authorship of a maximum of 2 is permitted.
  9. All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  10. Submissions that are plagiarised to more than 20% will not be accepted.
  11. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.
  12. The subject line of the mail should be” BLOG – LAW SMRITI” Please save the name of the file as the “Title_Name of Author”.
  13. A separate word page included with the file containing name, place of occupation/ college, present occupation/year of study attached with a formal picture of the author and co-author.
  14. There shall be “20th Bluebook” for citation in the manuscript.


Any Student / research scholar / professionals can send in their blogs.

Word limit

The word limit for the manuscripts is between 1000-1500 words.

Entry Fee

No entry fees.

Important dates 

No deadline. Submissions would be accepted on a rolling basis.


If selected, the blogs will be published on our website

E-Publication Certificate to be given to each published author.

Contact Info (you can use this mail for sending us blogs.)

For Website, click here.

LawOF is the emerging portal for Law Students & Teachers


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