Call for Papers: International Journal of Complexities of Modern Society [NO PUBLICATION CHARGES]: Submit by July 15

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Call for Papers: International Journal of Complexities of Modern Society [NO PUBLICATION CHARGES]: Submit by July 15

Divya Singh

About the Journal

The Journal is a peer-reviewed quarterly research driven international journal, publishing critical approaches to socio-legal study and multi-disciplinary analysis of issues related to the modern society.

ISSN: 2256-2532

Volume 1 Issue 1

IJCMS recognizes that many fields in the social sciences and humanities can enhance the development and understanding of law.

It is our purpose to seek out these areas of overlap and to publish balanced research that enlightens not just legal readers, but readers from these other disciplines as well.

The Journal invites submissions across all dimensions and peripherals of complexities and problems within the modern society and other contemporary issues.

All submissions throughout said parameters are welcome. The ambit of the Journal is broad and not restricted to any particular field, and includes all contemporary issues, both national and international.

Submission Guidelines


Submissions are preferred in Times New Roman font, with 1.5 line spacing. Main text should be in font size 12 and footnotes in font size 10 (Harvard Blue Book, 19th Edition)

Word Limit

The word limit (inclusive of footnotes) is as follows:

Article – 10,000 words

Essay -6,000 words

Case Comment/Legislative Critique & Notes–3500 words

Book Review–3000 words


15th July, 2017

Submission Procedure

The articles must be sent to Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Complexities of Modern Society not later than 15th July, 2017 at the following email id:

Maximum Co-Authorship of two persons is allowed.

All submission should be accompanied with a covering letter mentioning the title of the paper, name, designation, mobile no., and institution of the author.


For any doubt(s)/clarification, please contact us –

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