International Journal of Socio-Legal Analysis and Rural Development Volume 3 Issue 1. Deadline: 20th January, 2017.

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Call for papers:

International Journal of Socio-Legal Analysis and Rural Development Volume 3 Issue 1. Deadline: 20th January, 2017.

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

Get your article published in an internationally indexed journal with a high  impact factor of  1. 73.  International Journal of socio-legal analysis and Rural Development (IJSARD) is an online quarterly peer reviewed international journal on ‘Law’ and ‘Rural Development’. As the name suggests the journal will focus on the analysis of different laws for better understanding and research. The society needs the laws for proper functioning and thus the journal focuses to draw a special emphasis on various disciplines of social sciences, rural development and analysis of various aspects of law to improve the quality of research and explore the more realistic aspects of civilization’s sustainable developments. Establishing equilibrium between the society and law it will find the present and futuristic scope of growth and prosperity. Rural development is an essential part of a sustainable society.

Word limit for submissions:

  • Articles: 5,000-10,000 words.
  • Short Articles: 2,500-5,000 words.
  • Case study : 2,500-6,000 words


The articles must be related to Law and social sciences or rural development. They may relate Law or social sciences and rural development with other disciplines like Health, Agriculture, Law, Technology, Sustainable development, Environment and Climate change etc. The authors may take in account national and international perspectives.


Each submission must be accompanied with
An abstract of not more than 200-250 words.
Main article.
List of References.
Short description about the author.
Formatting and Other Essentials:
Main text: Times New Roman, Font Size 12, 1.5 spaced.
Footnotes: Times New Roman, Font Size 10, single spaced.
Citation Method:  Any uniform citation.
The articles must be original and must not have been published earlier.
The articles must be sent to by  20th January, 2017.
The submission must accompanied by a declaration that the contribution submitted is a piece of original research work of author and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • All submissions will be subject to a plagiarism check. Professionals, Academicians, Scholars and Students of all disciplines are eligible to contribute.

  • Co-authorship will be allowed to a maximum of three authors and three separate certificates shall be issued for the publication of article in the journal.
  • The hard copy of certificate of publication.
  • The copy of the journal will be sent to them along with a certificate of publication and CD.
  • A sample paper for their reference.
  • The journal in form of a CD.
  • All the selected articles will be on the website.


For More Information, CLICK HERE


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