NILS India Blog, December issue. Deadline: 20th December, 2016

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Call for Entries

Network for International Law Students- INDIA

(NILS India Blog)

December issue


For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

The Network for International Law Students (NILS) India is an independent, nonpolitical, non-profit organization, run by and for law students.

We invite law students to submit articles for the December issue of the NILS India Blog on the following topics:

  1. Defining Patriotism

The recently passed order by the Supreme Court issues directions in an endeavor to instill a sense of committed patriotism and nationalism among the citizenry. The directions require, inter alia, cinema halls to play the national anthem before the commencement of a feature film. Amid a spirited debate on the aforementioned order in mainstream media, NILS invites entries from law students seeking their thoughts on the manifestation of patriotism.

  •           Articles must not exceed 2000 words (including end notes).
  •           A maximum of two authors is allowed.
  1. Remembrance of an internship-

Students are invited to share fondest memories of their internship.

Articles must not exceed 500 words.

  1. Humans of Law School Students are invited to share their views, trends in law schools, personal yet intrinsic experiences in the form of short articles.

Articles must not exceed 1000 words.

All entries and queries shall be directed to

Submission Deadline:

20th December, 2016

Submission guidelines:

All submissions must be in MS Word Format.

The articles must be unpublished and original.

The endnotes shall conform to Bluebook 19th Edition rules of citation.
The cover page of the submission shall contain the following details only – title, the name of the Author, contact detail and the name of the educational institution of the author.


For More Information, CLICK HERE



LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

The Contents of this Website are informative only and for the benefit of the general public. Even though every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of information and procedure, the is not responsible for any inadvertent errors and the same may please be brought to the notice through e-mail:



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