Cfp for law students- Graphic Era Hill University (GEHU) Law Review [Volume 2, Issue II – July 2022]: Submit by May 10

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  • After the successful release of GEHU LAW REVIEW (GLR), Volume 2, Issue I (Jan. 2022), the GLR is accepting submissions for its Vol. 2, Issue II to be published in July 2022.
  • The scholarly submissions which are original and unpublished written works such as articles, research papers, case studies, book reviews on contemporary legal issues and challenges, from academicians, legal professionals, research scholars and students are invited.  

Relevant Themes

The journal invites submission on any broad area which could be related to contemporary legal issues and advancements. 

Submission Rules

  • Main Text: Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing in MS Word. 
  • Word Limit
    1. Research papers (3,000- 5,000 words),  
    2. Book reviews (1500-2000 words), and  
    3. Case studies/commentaries (2000-3000 words).  
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman, size 10, single line spacing.
  • Authorship: Maximum two authors per entry will be accepted. 
  • Abstract: All the entries should be accompanied with an abstract which should be of 250 words maximum. 
  • The manuscript shall be original and unpublished. 
  • The author(s) must follow the uniform method of citation of Bluebook (20th edition).
  • Review: The editorial board will follow the anonymous peer review policy for accepting the submissions. 
  • Plagiarism: Less than 15% as per Turnitin. 

Submissions should be mailed at

Relevant Dates

  • Call for papers: 3rd March, 2022 
  • Submission of full paper: 10th May, 2022 
  • Intimation of Review reports to authors: 15th June, 2022 
  • Re-submission of Edited Papers30th June, 2022
  • Publication of Journal: 29th July, 2022

For further clarity one may reach out to the editor at:

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