Call For Papers by KLE Law Journal 2020-21 [No Fees]: Submit by June 10

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KLE Society’s Law College is a private law school situated in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. It is under the aegis of the KLE Society and is affiliated with Karnataka State Law University.

About the Journal

The KLE Law Journal is an annual, peer-reviewed Law Journal of KLE Society’s Law College. The KLE Law Journal has obtained wide recognition due to its online publication in Manupatra and in Printed form. The KLE Law Journal has featured scholarship by a wide range of leading academics, practitioners, and luminaries.

Call for Papers

The KLE Society’s Law College, Bengaluru has started accepting contributions in the form of Long Articles, Legal Essays, Book Reviews, Case Notes, and Legislative Comments, for KLE Law Journal 2020-21 (ISSN 2348-2834), on contemporary legal and inter-disciplinary issues to spread legal awareness to foster metamorphosis of critical and progressive thoughts.


Contributions can be made on any topic under the ambit of law with special focus on contemporary issues.

Who can Contribute?

Contributions are invited from students, professionals, members of academia, and researchers.

Submission Guidelines

For Submission guidelines click here.

Submission Deadline

On or before 10th June 2021.

Editorial Committee

  • Dr. Anita MJ
  • Dr. SG Goudappanavar
  • Mr. Harsh Pratap Singh
  • Ms. Soumya NM
  • Mr. Ayush Jha
  • Mr. Vivek Narayan

Contact Information

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Please Note: No fee is being charged at any stage, viz. submission, processing, publication, or certification.

Click here for the official information.

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