Call for papers for Trade, Law and Development’s Special Issue on Trade and Technology for law students: Submit by Mar 31

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Founded in 2009, the philosophy of Trade, Law and Development has been to generate and sustain a constructive and democratic debate on emergent issues in international economic law and to serve as a forum for the discussion and distribution of ideas. In keeping with these ideals, the Board of Editors is pleased to announce “Trade and Technology: Rebooting Global Trade for the Digital Millennium” as the theme for its next Special Issue (Vol. XIII, No. 1).

The WTO framework emerged out of the requirement to promote comparative advantages of countries in the post-Industrial Revolution era. However, the developments that followed via Ministerial Conferences, Council discussions and Appellate Body Reports have not moved away from the traditional methods of trading involving brick-and-mortar factories, recognised fiat currency, etc. With the unstoppable growth in digital innovation and dense proliferation of the Internet and ICTs, International Economic Law and its framers must go back to the negotiating table to chalk out a novel framework relevant for the new digital millennium.

E-Commerce emerged as the virtual marketplace connecting consumers to sellers across borders. Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds enormous potential to solve efficiency deficits in manufacturing, public health and education. 3D Printing is expected to meet demand shortages of essentials like hearing aids. Blockchain and Digital Currencies could change payments and banking services as we know it along with possible implications for trade finance opportunities. This Issue aims to foster stimulating discussions on what these developments mean for trade as we know it.

In addition to these developments, the COVID-19 outbreak provides strong impetus for countries to relook their digital trade and investment policies as reliance on digital resources increase. While some steps have been taken to include digital technologies in regional trade agreements, a more comprehensive and cohesive framework is yet to emerge in this regard.

Moreover, given the significance of these issues, governments across the world have begun implementing rules and regulations for data privacy, cybersecurity, etc. The differences across regulatory regimes could cause problems as to their interoperability across countries. The impact of these regulations on the international trade level is yet to be seen.


  • E-commerce
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Implications for Trade Facilitation
  • Blockchain
  • Data Protection and Security
  • Competitiveness and Digital Taxation
  • Digital Divide between Advanced Economies and Developing World
  • Impact on Investment
  • Trade Policy
  • Implications for Gender Equality

These sub-issues are not exhaustive, and the Journal is open to receiving submissions on all aspects related to Trade and Technology and its impact on the global trading system. This special issue, currently scheduled for publication in Summer 2021, will provide an ideal platform to deliberate on such issues related to trade and technology.

Accordingly, the Board of Editors of Trade, Law and Development are pleased to invite original, unpublished manuscripts for the Special Issue on Trade and Technology: Rebooting Global Trade for the Digital Millennium for publication as ‘Articles’, ‘Notes’, ‘Comments’ and ‘Book Reviews’.


  • All manuscripts submitted which are to be considered for publication in Trade, Law and Development “TL&D” must be original and should not have been published elsewhere.
  • The manuscript may be co-authored.
  • All manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected, the Editorial Board reserves the right of rejection (without review).
  • After the first publication of a manuscript with TL&D, permission for any subsequent publication in another forum must be obtained from the Journal’s Board of Editors.
  • Submission of an unsolicited manuscript to the editors does not secure a right of publication in TL&D. In case the manuscript is found suitable for publication, as per TL&D’s standards of quality scholarship, the author(s) will receive a notification of acceptance from the Editors.
  • Submission of solicited manuscripts, on invitation from the editors of TL&D, guarantees publication of the same. However, in the event that such solicited manuscript does not meet TL&D’s standards of quality scholarship, final discretion to publish the solicited manuscript vests with the Journal’s Board of Editors.
  • The Editors reserve the right to send contributions, whether solicited or unsolicited, to referee(s) for evaluation of content and quality, in which case the identities of both the Author and the Referee shall remain confidential (i.e. Double-Blind Peer Review).
  • All submissions to TL&D must be topical to the scope and theme of the Journal, as provided in the “Editorial Policies” section of the TL&D website.
  • The Editors reserve the right to request copies of any resources or authorities cited in the submitted manuscript. The publication of the manuscript remains subject to the Authors providing such copies.

Specific Guidelines

  • Articles must deal with issues of interest and relevance and must demonstrate a high-level of analysis. Articles of a purely descriptive nature, unless about a development in a country or a region which may necessarily be of a descriptive nature, are not preferred.
  • Manuscripts with a word length of 10,000-20,000 words are published as Articles; however, any departures from this limit may be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Editors. Shorter pieces of less than 10,000 words are published as Notes and Comments.
  • An “Abstract” must precede the body of the manuscript (except in case of Book Reviews).
  • The Journal follows the system of citation as prescribed in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition).
  • Contributions which are specifically concerning the theme of development and developing issues are encouraged.
  • As a convention, British English shall be followed.

Process of Submission

  • Authors may submit manuscripts in accordance with the above laid down guidelines either online or by way of e-mail.
  • Online submissions may be made through: (1) Our own TLD-OJ System; or (2) BEPress ExpressO Submission Service
  • Submissions made by way of E-mail must mention in the subject field – “Manuscript Submission [ARTICLE/ NOTE/ BOOK REVIEW]” and should be addressed to:- The Editor-in-Chief, Trade, Law and Development, Email:

For detailed guidelines click here

For the official website click here

Contact Information

In case of any queries, please feel free to write to: editors[at]tradelawdevelopment[dot]com

Submission Deadline

31st March, 2021

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