NLUJ – CIPS Webinar on Brand Management & Trademark Protection – 11th Oct, 2020: Register Now

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About the Organisers:

 The Centre for IP Studies (“CIPS”) at National Law University Jodhpur is focussed on creating a niche space for research in intellectual property. CIPS engages with the community and creates avenues for spreading awareness in Intellectual Property. Its combination of motivated faculty and students aims to make the domain of intellectual property accessible to all through its initiatives. As a part of its dedicated Centre activities intended to promote research and studies in the field of Intellectual Property Rights, the Centre has taken the initiative to organise the workshop.

Keynote Speakers:1. 

PROFESSOR KRISHNA DEO SINGH CHAUHAN – Assistant Professor, Jindal Global Law School2.  MS. DIVYA SRINIVASAN MRIG – Deputy Manager, Cell for Intellectual Property Rights Promotion & Management (CIPAM), DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India



Any student, academician, practitioner interested in or practising in trademark law may apply.

Location: Online – Cisco Webex Platform

Registration Process & Fee: There is no registration form to be filled. The interested participants are requested to make the payment and email the payment receipt with the prescribed details on the below mentioned email ed.

There are three categories of registrations: 

1.      Students and Researchers shall register by paying a fee of Rs. 100

2.      Academicians and Industry Professionals shall register by paying a fee of Rs. 200

3.      Team participation (one faculty member along with a maximum of 15 students from one University) can register for a fee of Rs.500

 The payment is to be made at Here. at ‘Payment Other than Semester Fee’ specifying the purpose of payment as ‘TM Webinar’’ latest by 10th October, 2020 (11:59pm).

 Once the payment is made, the payment receipt shall be emailed at The subject of the e-mail shall be ‘Registration Receipt: TM Webinar’’.

 The email shall also specifically include the Name of the participant, Year and course (if applicable), Name of the University/Organisation/ Affiliation, and Contact details (Phone Number and Email Id). We shall also appreciate it if you could send us any specific issues/concerns/questions that you expect the speaker to address during the Webinar.


All participants will be awarded E-Certificate on attending the Webinar.

Important Dates:Last Date for Payment and Registration: 10th October, 2020 by 11:59PM.Webinar Date: 11th October, 2020  Timing: 11:AM TO 1:30PM (last half hour will be open to participants for Q&A.)

Contact Info:

Ms. Kanika DhingraAssistant Professor, NLU JodhpurFaculty Member,


All queries may be directed to or any of the following members of the organising team: Swapnil Katiyar, Student Member, CIPS: Ph: 8290578884

Ayushi Suman, Student Member, CIPS: Ph: 6377528088


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