Online Capacity Building Program For Law Faculty And Research Scholars In Universities/ Colleges / Institution Of Higher Education ( Aug 22 – Sept 04, 2020): Register by 17th August

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Online Capacity Building Program on Legal Research & Teaching Pedagogy

Organised by: S.S. Khanna Girls ‘ Degree College, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj

In-collaboration with: District Legal Services Authority, Allahabad (Prayagraj)


Sadanlal Sanwaldas Khanna Mahila Mahavidyalaya, A Constituent College of University of Allahabad Prayagraj, was established In the International year for Women, 1975, by the joint efforts of late S.N. Kakkar (Ex- Union Minister, of India), Prof. D. D. Khanna (Ex-Head of Department of Defence Studies, University of Allahabad) and Sri Shyam Narain Kapoor, members of the Khattri Pathshala Society with the motto “आ नो भद्रा: क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वत: (Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.)

Saroj Lalji Mehrotra Centre of Legal Studies has been established at S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College for B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) Five Year Integrated Degree Course. The Centre has been granted affiliation by the University of Allahabad and Approval of Affiliation by the Bar Council of India. T


Legal Education during the last decade in the country in general has spread to all corners and is the most sought after subject these days. The role played by Universities and colleges is appreciated for this growth.

The Faculty members who have been appointed to teach Law in the institutes /Colleges are equally excellent as most of them happen to be the products of reputed Universities/Schools of Law of India. However, due to rapid development of Science and Technology and changes in the allied areas, “Legal Research & Teaching Pedagogy” has taken a new dimension. The Latest report of the Ministry of Human Resource Development relating to higher education also emphasizes quality research.  Faculty members, who teach in these reputed affiliated institutions / Universities, face difficulties in methods of research and innovative teaching techniques. They are not able to keep pace with the rapid development taking place both nationally and globally. This at times works as a negative factor for accreditation by regulatory bodies and results in retardation of growth in research and its funding. Social justice is the first charge on our Constitutional order. It is a legacy we leave to the future generations without tarnishing its purity and power.

It is with this perspective that Saroj Lalji Mehrotra Centre of Legal Studies, S.S. Khanna Girls’ Degree College, Prayagraj and Droit Penale Group, Prayagraj are going to organize a twelve-day Capacity Building Programme on ‘Legal Research & Teaching Pedagogy’ as a new orientation for the benefit of University as well as College faculty members and research scholars in Law during August 22 – September 04, 2020. The objective of the programme is to deepen the knowledge of legal education, and develop practical skills and research capabilities through clinical legal education among young faculties and scholars.

LawOF Provides information about Capacity Building Programme for Law Students.& faculty members.


1.   Legal Research

2.  Ethics, Anti-Plagiarism and Discipline in Legal Education

3. Teaching Pedagogy in Legal Education

4.  Advancement in technology and its use in the teaching of law.

5.  Innovative and effective methods in legal pedagogy.

6.  Stress on analytical teaching and examination

7.  Reforms in examination procedure.

8.  Multilingual teaching of law and its advantages

9. Quantitative Methods and its use in legal research

10. Role of ICT in New Age

11. Scope of problem based teaching methodology (including encouraging open book examination)


The methodology of the online capacity building program shall be based on an online session comprising of minimum one session a day of one and a half hour. The compulsory lecture shall be followed by an assignment and cumulative assessment of the assignment: Classroom lectures, case study, exercise based, group discussion, presentation by participants.

Subjects and Practical Themes to be covered:

1. Teaching Skills and Ethics

2. Making Law Graduate Practice Ready with reference to teaching to Commercial Law

3. Teaching and Practice of Constitutional Law, writ petition contents [Municipal waste management] and Urban Governance

4. Practice before Tribunals and NGT of Human Rights Law and Environmental Law

5. Framing and Drafting a Policy-Privacy Law in India

6. Research writing and reporting in International Law

7. Interpretation of Law: Tools, IT, Technology and PPP

8. Indian law & policy on urban development: Analysis of Past, present and future

Three Best Participation Awards shall be awarded to the participants on the basis of active participation and timely submission of the assignments allocated during the Online Capacity Building Program. The best Law Teacher participation award shall be presented to the participant along with the certificate and a momento for the same. The certificate and momento shall be sent to the participant on the postal address provided by them.

Learning Outcomes

After this Online Capacity Building Program, the participating law teachers and research scholars will be aware of various useful teaching skills and teaching tools. Their theoretical and practical approach towards law will be broadened. They will be well versed with emerging contemporary challenges in the law and their future prospects. The interaction between various law teachers across the nation would also be among many outcomes that we aspire to achieve during this Twelve Days Online Capacity Building Program.


The Online Capacity Building Program has been specifically designed for academicians, research scholars and doctoral candidates who are teaching or conducting research in the field of Law.

Registration fee:

Fees for the online capacity building program: 1500/- for research scholars and LLM students ,2000/- for Faculties (Non-Refundable)

*Payment can be done through Online Transfer to the details mentioned below.

Steps for Registration:

Participants will fill the Google Form with all the required details and payment within the final date of submission that is 17th August 2020 the late application will not be entertained.

• After successful registration and payment, the participants will receive a final mail of confirmation and an invitation letter.

• The official group will be made for communication with the participants on “whatsapp”. The link to join the group will be provided to the participants after the final confirmation mail.

Registration Form: click here. 

Contact Info

E Mail:

Whatsapp : (+91 ) -9792600921
contact no . 0532 -3552008

For Brochure, click here.

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