RNBGU National Legal Essay Writing Competition

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RNBGU National Legal Essay Writing Competition

The RNB Global University, Bikaner established in 2015, is now accepted as one of the best University in Western Rajasthan and it is imparting quality education since inception. Our University primarily focuses on making our student ‘good human beings’ and a successful professional through a strategic teaching of both theoretical and practical aspects during the course of education. At present, it is having among others the Engineering, Management, Science, Commerce, Humanities, Agriculture and Law Courses

The School of Law of the RNBGU, at present have the courses of B.A., LL.B., B.B.A., LL.B., (Five Years duration) LL.M. (One Year duration) and Ph.D. (Three years full time and 4 years Part-time Course). We are doing everything possible to equip our students with the best possible teaching resources, practical exposure and training methods to enable them to shape up their life and career for a challenging World out there.

1. Topic


2. Reward

Every successful submission will be awarded Certificate of Participation. Apart from these, few selected submissions will be appreciated by exciting rewards

a) The first Position will be rewarded with prize money of Rs 11,000 along with a Certificate

b) The second Position will be rewarded with prize money of Rs 5000 along with a Certificate

3. Eligibility

The Competition is open for all the law students currently pursuing their under-graduation (both 3year and 5year) course from any recognized university/college in India

There is no restriction on the number of entries from any college or university

The essays will be scored based on originality of thought, depth of research, style of writing and communication of arguments. The decision of the evaluators will be final and binding

4. Formatting

The language of the Essay is English

The word limit is 2500- 3000 words (not including footnotes)

The font used in all parts of the essay (except footnotes) must be Times New Roman, Size 12, with 1.5 line spacing with justified alignme

The font used in the footnotes must be Times New Roman, Size 10, with single line spacing with justified alignment

A uniform citation style has to be followed throughout the essay

Page numbers must be at the bottom center.

5. Submission Guidelines

The electronic copies must be submitted in PDF format.

The organizers are very particular about the plagiarism as it defeats the purpose of the Competition. Only original essays that have not been published elsewhere and have not been submitted to any other organization are to be submitted. Hence, the participants are advised to take care of the same.


Last date of Submission of essay is 30 October, 2019 on the below address


6. Registration

Fill the registration form attached which is attached with the brochure and send it to the lawjournal@rnbglobal.edu.in by 25 October, 2019 for confirming their participation in the competition. Please mention your name, academic year/position and institution in the body of the mail

The registration fee for students is Rs 250 only

Note: The Registration fees should be submitted by Paytm or in the following Bank Account

Name-RNB Global University
A/c No. 50200019269252
IFSC Code-HDFC0000933
Bank-HDFC Bank Ltd
Account Type – Current Account
Branch- Vishal Enclave, New Delhi

OR Pay by Paytm by scanning below Bar Code

QR Code

7. Screening and Shortlisting of Essay

All the entries will be strictly scrutinize by the University Committee and the Committee will comprise of

Two faculties of Law

Two faculties of Political Science

One faculty of English

Note: The top 10 candidates will face an interview on skype so please mention the skype id along with your paper

8. Important dates

  • Last date of Registration – 25 October, 2019
  • Submission of Essay – 30 October, 2019

9. Queries and Clarification

For any further information/ clarification, kindly contact to the following address


Download Registration form – Click here 

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