Panel Discussion on Kashmir Issue @ School of Law, Ansal University. Registration Open

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Panel Discussion on Kashmir Issue: Why, How and Way Forward @ Ansal University

Kashmir has been in vogue since the end of colonial rule that resulted in the division of India on basis of religion. Since then, it is becoming more and more complex due to intermingling of new issues and actors. School of Law, Ansal University is organising a Panel Discussion on Kashmir issue based on the book “Unravelling the Kashmir knot”, delving into it sroot causes and possible legal solutions.

The School of Law is privileged to invite you to be a part of the upcoming Panel Discussion

slated to be held on

20th October 2016 at Ansal University (D 421)

Timing: 10.30 am. to 1 pm

Hon’ble Justice A.M. Ahmadi

Former Chief Justice of India shall be the Chair of the session.

The other dignitaries alongwith Prof (Dr) Sanoj Rajan, Dean, SOL shall be:

Ambassador Asoke Kumar Mukerji, an Indian Dilpomat and Writer. He was Representative of India to the UnitedNations from April 2013 to December 2015.Brigadier M.B. Anand,VSM (Retd.), International Law Consultant and trainer for ArmedForcesto IndianArmy and former consultant to ICRC, South Asia. He has commanded the Infantrybrigadein counter-insurgency operations in Kashmir and has vast experience in situations ofinternal disturbances, disaster relief, and peace support operations.Dr. Aman M. Hingorani, Advocate on Record, the Supreme Court of India and the author of theBook ‘Unravelling the Kashmir Knot’

For Registration and related inquiry, please contact the Coordinators:-

Dr. KomalSandhu, email Id. contact no. 9910046065

Dr. Deepak Miglani, email id.:- contact no. 9958086337

Mr. Sharjil Khan, email Id.:- contact no. 9792674535


For More Information, CLICK HERE




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